For i could offer 2 shaded anime styled busts with 5 shaded irl image inspired halves or fulls or if my toony style is more you taste i could offer 10 shaded toony busts and 1-2 toony fullbodies. If you like the first offer here id be willing to do make some of the irl image inspired halves/fulls into ship art id youd prefer [as in feel free to want all 5 image inspired ones to be ship art^^]

And for i could offer 3 irl image inspired fulls or 5 shaded toony busts [id prefer the ones for this guy to not be ship art but id still be willing to do it if you wanted^^]

I can do 3fbs for them ---> (i can do both humanoid and anthro) and Idm drawing couple art/ship art or nudity (above the hips) , anything below would just be smooth

I have art examples here ---> and i can add to my offer if needed ^^

I loved I can do anthro/feral art! I can offer 2 fbs / shop art

Sadly I don’t think I can accept that for any of them, thank you for your offer though!!

If it's okay I'd be willing to offer shipart and a fullbody with a scene for beckett!! Lmk if I should add more! I have no problem with nudity on the ref/etc but I'd prefer to draw sfw ^^

I’ll take this offer into consideration!!

thank you!! forgot to mention both would be shaded ^^ editing to add that i can also do a custom as well ^^