Strawberry Quartz



1 month, 23 days ago


63 years old, bisexual (has a slight preference for women), Non-binary (any pronouns)

A free spirit, even at her old age. She rarely lets things weigh her down and keep her in one place. This also applies to relationships. While Strawberry enjoys company, she has a serious commitment problem and rarely ever stay in a relationship for longer than a few months.

They have lots of love to give, and loves to share their bed with other people (even in a platonic way!).

Lives out of their van, so they don't have to uproot their entire household when they want to move again... And probably because rent is cheaper than an actual house.

Gives lesbian hippie vibes, often goes around topless and lets her boobs sag like mother nature intended. Also is a strong believer that bras are made by the devil (figuratively)

She has a large stash of recreational drugs, and is more than happy to share with her friends.