


6 months, 10 days ago



"So tell me, what do you think it'd be like to get lost in the deep abyss?"

Trans Femme (they/she)
Ibex goat
6'4" (194 cm)
House of Divine Mysteries
Nisha, She Who Dances in the Dark (formerly)

enturies ago is when Adriel was known as the very social angel of the goddess Nisha; in times anyone sought guidance from She Who Dances in the Dark, Adriel would be the one to answer in her stead. However, 200 years ago is when everything changed; Adriel became the first known angel to fall. Due to it happening so long ago, there is no living mortal who remembers what she was like before she fell.

In recent years, Adriel has made a pretty strange move; she’s known to be a part of the otherwise all mortal mercenary group, Rebirth of the Black Lotus. She is doggedly loyal to the mortal leader, Hanako Kida, despite being able to overpower her with a flick of her wrist. This dynamic is not understood, but feared by many.


  • ???
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  • Black spinel
  • ???
  • ???
  • ???


Orientation: Unlabeled sapphic

Zodiac: Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Gemini, 1st asc in Scorpio

Theme song: Jin - Outer Science

  • When casting strong magic, her tattoos will glow a bright blue.
  • The eye under her bangs is totally black. There's no visible iris, pupil, anything; just a dark void.
  • Old legends speak of Adriel coming to comfort her personal favorite mortals during their darkest moments.

I. Personality


hoever Adriel once was before falling seems to be completely locked away, and it’s unknown if that person truly still exists. What’s observed now, however, is someone who’s not only very dangerous, but someone who’s actions are completely unpredictable. Adriel typically carries a smile on her face, but she’s by no means friendly; she’s vicious and won’t hesitate to attack not only if provoked, but even if she simply thinks it’d be fun. She loves to watch others squirm and be uncomfortable, and is always talking in what looks like weird nonsense. She’s difficult to get a handle on but seems to have a short fuse, flies off the handle quickly, yet also treats everything as if it’s a game. In fact, it seems as if she treats mortal lives as if they’re nothing more than simple pesky bugs inside of her home, waiting to be squashed.

While Adriel is absolutely not a safe person to interact with outside of her fellow members of Rebirth of the Black Lotus, very interestingly, she won’t always attack. Just because you encounter her doesn’t mean you’ll be left with a scar to prove you saw her; she is capable of just talking, if you can handle her being very weird, erratic and even threatening towards you. It’s unknown who she’ll give the time of day to without hurting them, but if you’re brave enough to try, you might get real lucky.

II. History

History unavailable.

III. Relationships

NishaFormer goddess


It seems that Adriel holds a deep, burning hatred for Nisha in her heart, and is very vocal about how she feels about her. Interestingly, though, despite exclaiming she doesn't care about her former goddess, she seems to not only become frenzied when faced with her soul bonded, but doesn't like other people speaking on Nisha's name around her.

SenkaFormer housemate


Adriel holds a similar hatred in her heart for Senka as she does for Nisha, but it's not nearly as intense and passionate. She does, however, still seem to get just slightly frenzied when faced with Senka's soul bonded.

MorganaFormer housemate


There's less hate here, and rather instead, apathy. Adriel thinks Morgana to be a pathetic goddess, especially after Kisa's falling.

KimiSenka's angel


An angel of her blood. The innate desire to harm Kimi anytime she sees her burns deep and hot in Adriel's heart.

Hanako KidaSuperior


While it's unfortunately no secret Adriel is physically attracted to Hanako, the two seem to have a very strange relationship. Adriel will listen to any command Hanako gives her without question, despite nothing forcing her to. Hanako's also one of very few mortals whose lives she genuinely cares about, showing she may not be completely gone just yet.

Sakura Nakamura "Saki"Friend/coworker


Interestingly, Adriel's care seems to spread to the entire Kida family. While not as "close" to Saki as she is Hanako, she does seem quite protective over who she calls "one of the small foxes". However, she knows Saki does not care for her much, and as such, loves to get under their skin.

Midori ShimizuFriend/coworker


Adriel seems to be quite a fan of the youngest kitsune in the Kida family. Not only is she protective about her safety, but she likes to poke and prod at her for fun. If something were to happen to Midori, Adriel would not hesitate to do... terrible things.