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i would like to be added please!

Bid for 4 here

sb w hold ^_^

20 ! 


AB (with small hold) 

I've never used paypal b4, you might have to walk me thru it!! hope thats ok!

Sleep with one eye open 

Heya !! Thank you so much :3 ! What day will you be able to pay ? And I can walk you through paypal ! You can dm me on discord (user is _snugbug) 

Bid for 3 here




Heya !! thank you so much for the bid :3 ! Im gonna go ahead and accept this !
you can send the money to [email protected] ! Lmk once you have so I can toss the critter over 

paradigox bumping this !

3 Replies

Bid for 2 here

Sb ! :3 

AB with hold (3-5 days)!!

Heya !! Thank you so much :3 !! In 3 days I’ll respond here with the email to send the money to so you can send it when you’re ready ^^

I’m ready for the email whenever you’ve got time^^

Sweet :3 !! You can send the money to [email protected] ! Im out right now, but when Im back I’ll toss the kitty over to you ! 

1 Replies

Bid for 1 here


Going to sleep rn, but will send the money tomorrow when i wake up!

Heya !! Sorry for the late response, was asleep !

Thank you so much !! You can send the money to [email protected] :3 ! I’ll toss the critter over to you after school !
