N.O.N's Comments

Hihi terribly sorry to bother! Would you be willing to trade this design, and if so, for what? Thank you!

Hi, I'm hoping to develop this design into one of my OC stories so I'm not looking to trade them at the moment, sorry. Could give you a ping though if that changes! 

That would be awesome! I would love to be added to a pinglist, thank you.

Ooh, I loved this design! I'd love it if you could ping me! :0

You mean if I put them up for trade? Sure, will do. It is too good of a design to collect dust forever lol! 

Oooh Sorry, it was a little mix-up! D:

My comment was when the design was in the hands of the artist, they said to comment on the character's profile if we wanted to be pinged when the massive colabb came out and the character was Ufo! :D

ohhh my bad then! I thought i'd deleted old comments but I guess I forgot lol!