


2 months, 20 days ago




Name Vervet
AKA The Vervet Wanderer
Age 1000+ years
Pronouns He/Him
Voice Claim Zeno Robinson [TOH Hunter]


  • Collecting memorabilia
  • Tea
  • Travelling


  • The Jade Emperor
  • Disorganisation

A celestial monkey vagabond with a love for travelling around the globe. He longs to experience as many different cultures from the mortal beings of the world as he can. With his pocket-dimension-like magic, he has a room in which he keeps a strikingly organised collection of everything he's ever been given in his journeying. Additionally using this magic to portal himself (and reluctantly others) anywhere he knows or has been to before.


Vervet's been travelling for as long as he can remember. After hundreds of years, there's hardly anywhere he hasn't been to and explored.

Meeting Sun Wukong

Vervet met the Monkey King during his pilgrimage to the West. In need of direction through a potentially treacherous area, Vervet offers his guidance to deliver the group to safety, in exchange of tagging along for a couple of days to share stories and experiences. He and the King grew to be quite close during this short time.

Meeting the Monkie Crew

Vervet meets the Monkie Crew in the midst of season 3 in a retcon to have the Map to the Rings of Samadhi be destroyed in the fight between Monkey King and Nezha. In need of some direction to find the rings, Monkey King enlists Vervet, an old friend who they met in passing while aimlessly looking for the rings.

Vervet's Magic

Vervet has always had the ability to access a pocket dimension of his own. He utilises it as a space to store everything he's ever collected in his travels. And with the help of a bit of basic magic, the place is kept clean and well guarded..


  • Based on a South African species of monkey; the vervet monkey.
  • Current voice claim is somewhere in between Zeno Robinson's 'Hunter' delivery and Sam Riegel.



MK [ relationship ]

He's a hyperactive, cheerful kid with a hint of mischievousness about him that Vervet finds endearing. Vervet likes being around people that spread joy in whatever capacity, and MK (whether intentional or not) puts a smile on his face without fault.


Mei [ relationship ]

He finds Mei to be fun. Like with MK, he and Mei have a similar energy level, being energetic and boisterous.


Tang [ relationship ]

Tang's fun to talk to. His love for history and historical artefacts spark interest in Vervet as a collector. He finds his passion for the Chinese Mythos andhistory to be endearing, and the two of them enjoy trading stories and experiences.


Sandy [ relationship ]

Sandy's always a delight to have a conversation with. Kindly exchanging travel stories and water adventures over a cup of tea is a nice down time, and Vervet welcomes the calm energy. Vervet offers different tea-making tips and practices he's picked up over the years, as well as recommedations for some of his favourite blends.