Ewansiha Soltane



5 years, 9 months ago



Full Name: Ewansiha Soltane (Meaning: Secrets cannot be bought)
Nicknames: Ewan, Ansi

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 5'7"/ 170cm
Species: Hybrid (Octoling/Inkling)
Orientation: straight (at least so he claims)

Hair Colour: Nacre/Grey
Eye Colour: electic blue with purplish sclera

Birthday: 06 January (Capricorn)
Birthplace: Djerba
Nationality: Tunisian

Languages: English (fluent), French (fluent), Tunisian Arabic (rusty)


Main Weapon/sDark Tetra Dualies
Other WeaponsRapid Blaster
Multiplayer RankA (Casual)
Salmon Run Title---
Favoured RangeShort
Favourite SpecialInk Armor
Favourite Sub WeaponInkmine

Main Outfit ---
Black Inky Rider
Toni Kensa Black Hi-Tops
HeadgearAnnaki Mask
ClothesBlack Cuttlegear LS
Black Velour Octoking Tee
Front Zip Vest
ShoesMoist Ghillie Boots
Punk Blacks



+Responsible, +Dutiful, +Calm, =Direct, =Stubborn, -Short-tempered, -Insensitive, -Judgmental

Ewansiha is more of a lone wolf, since he prefers doing things HIS way. He takes his given tasks seriously but don't try to convince him doing things differently than he usually would because it wouldn't have any effect. But you can rest assured, that when he makes a promise or agrees to something he will stay true to it since he's too proud to allow any sort of failure. But despite all this he is a ticking time bomb, Sure, he's professional and of a rather calm nature... unless you annoy him which is a really easy thing to do. As if his judging personality isn't enough already he turns onto an insensitive prick if you play with his short temper.  
The best way to handle him is to simply let him do as he pleases.


  • Hot Springs
  • Salt baths
  • Massages
  • Beating people up


  • Working with others
  • Things not going according to plan
  • Being exposed to his weaknesses or lack of skill
  • Breaking habits


  • Mixed Martial Arts


  • Poison


FamilyBlanche Soltane (Mother, 43)
Anton Sommer (Step-Dad, 49)
AlliesAndré Pierre de la Roc
EnemiesHis Father and everyone else as long as he gets paid for it
Love Interestxxxxx



Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Splatoon Alignment: Societal Anarchist


  • Ewan has a DNA mutation that prevents him from changing his ink color. No matter what, he'll always have his nacre like ink
  • Surprisingly he actually doesn't like his piercing that much anymore but it's better than "holes in the head" as he likes to put it


Ewansiha had a turbulent childhood. He never grew up with a father and his mother did her best to keep both of them safe and sound while living on the streets. It wasn't always easy but they eventually made it, since they got picked up by a kind man called Anton Summer, who eventually became Ewansihas Step-father. Unfortunately the Nacre colored hybrid grew up knowing nothing but the streets. He didn't care about going to school either. In his opinion, the things that his mother had taught him were enough. 

Resulting from that street life childhood he started to steal, get into fights. Neither Anton or his mother Blanche could talk sense to him, all Ewan was focused on was being strong and able to protect his mother, despite her being safe now. She never needed to worry about food anymore, yet Ewansiha regularly came home with money and arms full of food. 

Eventually he made it into gang territory by accident. But after he knocked out most of its members the Leader asked him for a favor. That was when Ewansiha got to work as a Mercenary. The tasks were easy and usually just a gang trying to pick on another, or trying to get information. Not too long after, all gangs in this district knew the hybrid and called him Nacre.
They knew that once he showed up, it meant trouble: was he there for fights? Was he there to get information? The only thing that kept him safe from attacks was that he was feared for his skill in mixed martial art. On top of that not a single soul knew who he worked for at the given moment and if harming him would result into even bigger drama.

Nobody knew that the bigger drama was right around the corner. By now Nacre was 22 years old and still lived his life as a mercenary. Unfortunately he spied on two people that had been spies from a larger mafia without him or anyone knowing. The thing is that Big fish usually stayed out of this gang kindergarten since there was no profit to be found and small gangs aren't a threat either. Now it turned out to be a big problem that the nacre colored hybrid was so well known. That Mafia called the Arachnans wanted him gone, fearing that he might have gathered too much information.
Ewansiha didn't even know about the execution until he caught André Pierre de la Roc following him. André is the Leader of le Requin d'Ivoire, another Mafia that is cooperating with the Arachnans so he got to make a decision:

Staying alive and working for de la Roc or being executed by codenames.

Ewansiha didn't like either choice, he never never never wanted to get involved with the mafia in the first place, but he didn't really have much of a choice so he agreed.
Now acting as a Codename under Andrés command he usually tackles his Missions with Doxin, a Bluering Octoling working for de la Roc. It doesn't seem like Ewan gets along with him too well but that may just be an illusion...