Larkon SImbah



3 months, 10 days ago


Larkon Simbah
AKA The Terror of the Desert
Age Adult
Lusus MantiCheetah Mom
Gender GNC Cisman (He/Him)
Sexuality Pansexual
Filled quads None
Occupation Serial killer/desert cryptid
Caste Jade
Height 5'10"




Being spoiled

Rude people




Self Absorbed . Selfish . Alluring

Your name is LARKON SIMBAH and trolls are just food.

When you’re not hunting for regular meat, you’re hunting for trolls to feed on. You tend to get a fair amount of tourists visiting the nearby desert town to purchase various exotic foods and clothings.

A fair amount then decide to venture into the desert and the savannah to try their luck at finding a famed oasis, whose waters grant eternal life, and fruit grants any wish. If you can get past the cannibalistic rainbow drinker and the giant manticore that could eat the biggest of trolls in two bites.

Or, in other words, your home, yourself, and your lusus.

Of course, the legend is complete bullshit. The water is just water, the fruit just fruit. You don’t make any attempt to set the record straight, however. Who doesn’t prefer delivery over hunting for their food?

The part that most irritates you about the ‘legend’, however, is that you’re called a cannibal and a killer. You’re neither. While you do drink trolls dry and dump them in the desert,you’re not the one killing them, The desert heat does that. And if the troll dies while you’re drinking their blood, you’ll just eat them in their entirety. No point in wasting, after all.

What will you do?

* i did not design Larkon but bought him as an adopt with his art. unfortunately i do not remember who from so if you do know please reach out so i can give proper credit.

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