


1 month, 12 days ago


An assistant built by Dr. Light to help Roll with her growing duties. Their domain is anything outdoors on the grounds of Light's property. They take care of the lawn, curate the flower and plant displays, keep a small colony of bees, and handle any outdoor activities like maintaining the patio, manning the grill, or setting up the fire pit. They appear to have an endless supply of seed packets and gardening tools in their apron pockets. They're a bit shorter than Rock and Roll.

Unfortunately, Landscaper and Roll have developed a bitter rivalry on who's better at cleaning and maintenance. The two are constantly heckling each other and attempting to one-up one another. The only thing scarier than how intense they get about their competitions is if they team up against a third party.

Landscaper is also pretty good friends with Vesper Woman! They trade tips and visit each others' bees. Being a couple of the younger Robot Masters in their respective families, they gravitated towards one another. Guts Man will also sometimes help them whenever terraforming or new constructs are needed. He'll usually put them on his shoulder so they can direct him (and they like to be tall.) They have a much milder rivalry with Wood Man, who keeps trying to convince them to let the lawn grow wilder for the good of the ecosystem, and sometimes stands in front of their lawnmower in protest.

Co-owned with Axolotl Parade#8795