
2 months, 27 days ago


Kitz is a Holographic ghost who is part of The Cosmoray, a Holobot band at Iravirean Recreation Park's Cosmoray Holobot and Vus'tu (Virelli Pizza) Restaurant
(the rest of this character barely matter other than Kitz, but i would name emm anyway. the piece also has cameo of Kid Teru)
(Cese'ta the Tiau'wa (Virelli dog equivalent)
 Pioneer, Kitz is the Virelli hologram "ghost" and Corice'la the Fercegg Tsatuvos/Virelli Cossack (Virelli bird-like horse equivalent) Holobot)
Kitz's in-universe (like the one that is programmed into him) character backstory, is that he is a Child who dies in the Sajaren/Sajarrian frontier and end up haunting a Couple who just wanted to settle there

He will eventually be turned into a *Sentient Galactanet Virus* by someone who actually take his thing seriously and can appear to everyone's device at will but only one of his "iteration"

So imagine you are browsing space internet and idk watching space cat on space youtube then one day a "Ghost" appear on your screen and ask you if you got games on it and start doing stuff with your photos

Also something messed up, as even Robot (sentient one that "can know itself, even if its unconscious") got Souls

This hologram got soul and his previous incarnation is a child who actually dies hundreds of years ago