John O'Reily



3 months, 4 days ago


He/Him  idk like late 50s probably. mix of irish and who knows what,some sort of white concoction

Raymond Shields' partner detective. Former NYPD cop, moved to florida after his wife divorced him. He used to be a stickler for the rules, but his illusion of the perfect system broke when he found cops in his department were corrupt. He tries his best to do his job the """right""" way, but in the end he follows his own moral compass. He lives in a shitty one-bedroom condo with his beloved old cat peanut. He's a melancholy sort of guy, but he doesn't like seeing Shields upset, so he'll crack a joke or play some tunes to cheer up his pal. He is not brave, honestly below average on the brave scale, but he will use his wits and come up with a killer plan in a dire moment. 

One half of the "Stakeout" duo 

Stakeout playlist