Tsumaki Hiroko



5 years, 10 months ago


Alternatively Hirokohime. 

Tsumaki Norihiro's daughter

Mitsuhide Akechi's wife and Gracia's mother

She was engaged to Mitsuhide in 1545 but, since she had scars from smallpox still present on her body, her father was prepared to offer her younger sisters as compensation. However, Mitsuhide refused the offer and gladly took Hirokohime as his wife. Mitsuhide treasured her and is famous for claiming that he needed no concubines with Hirokohime beside him. She valued him in turn and it is generally accepted that they had a harmonious relationship.

Generally good natured, compassionate and somewhat playful, her daughter takes after her to a degree. Despite her playful nature, she is always able to retain her composure in situations when it's needed. Her view of the world isn't as black and white as her husbands. 

Very well educated, but takes a much more casual approach to life than most higher class women would have due to the state her smallpox left her in. She isn't afraid to go in to get her hands dirty. She dresses well and pretty when she can, but has become accustomed to more sensible clothing.

Somewhat awkward relationship with her parents but still kindly regarded none the less

Felt rather discarded after her disease as her she knew much of her social value was lost, but had her confidence restored by Mitsuhide. She believes she owes him her life and does not hesitate to show it. They have a very compassionate and affectionate relationship.

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