Rex Vane



2 months, 24 days ago

Basic Info

Full Name

Rexah'liastos Van'eirat'tu












Born Rexah'liastos Van'eirat'tu on the planet Gallosevaar, Rex was part of the esteemed Vizier caste of his society, trained from birth as a solider and strategist and tasked with working among the Imperial inner circle to advise and protect the young Empress Zylsash'sahiir as she ascended to the throne. 

He enjoyed the close company of the Empress throughout this period of his youth, but found his loyalty questioned by her and the rest of her advisors when he showed hesitation in judgement of a lower-caste activist who had been apprehended following a demonstration against the Imperial government. He was to be stripped of his upper-class status, his distinctive horned sawed off to denote him a Pariah. As one horn shattered, Rex pulled away and shoved his way through the crowd of once-fellow soldiers, forcing his way to a docking bay where a fleet of government vessels sat. Seeing no other way out, he boarded one and used his own security clearance to start the ship and override the tracking functions, taking to the sky with half the Galloseveran Imperial Navy in his wake.

Just as he had risen in the ranks of the Imperial Navy at the beginning of his career, Rex quickly gained notoriety as an Imperial defector and force to be reckoned with among interplanetary criminal networks. After just a few years doing contract work with a skeleton crew on his stolen vessel he became known as a ruthless thief who left no quarter among commercial vehicles he hijacked, Captain Rex Vane of the ex-Imperial Tesserar.

Much of his current operation is carried out by hirelings who report back to him with their ill-gotten gains; any who have dared "miscount" their earnings ahead of reporting back or who skip town ahead of schedule are known to meet with a grisly end.