


3 months, 2 days ago


Lore Summary: TW, abuseĀ 

Eve was created to be subservient to Adam, her mate. Her original name was Lilith. However, when she grew rebellious and saw herself as an equal to gods precious creation, they remade her and wiped her memories. When Adam started to notice Eve was different, they started to gradually wipe his memories of Lilith. God then made Eve from adams rib so that she would always be apart of him and always love him unconditionally, regardless of how much he may hurt her unintentionally. God had taught him that she was lesser than them, that she couldnā€™t possibly understand what they had. Often God and adam look down on eve together. They exchange meaningful glances when she misses a point. They agree that she is not bright as they are, cannot reason as they do. This collusion does not save Adam from eves fate. He was godā€™s favourite, made in their image. After they ate the apple, they fell. Their appearance changed. And adam started to realise how he had treated eve after god said the exact same things to him that they had both said to Eve. But Eve was created to never get angry or upset or hurt at adam. If anything threatens to lift her rose tinted glasses it puts her in physical pain. As punishment for the apple, eves front paws have permanent grass staines, some parts of her fur mutating to form blades of grass to remind her what she had destroyed in the garden of Eden. God also didnā€™t see that as enough punishment for her sullying their precious creation, Adam. So they cursed her womb, rendering her unable to have kits. So now Ā both Adam and Eve try and navigate the world through the curses that their god had placed upon them.

Design notes:Ā 

-her pupils are always dilated because she loves AdamĀ 

-her eyes always have a certain light in them to signify Adam being the only light in her life

-grass staines are optional!! But I would love if they were includedĀ 

-always has an innocent expressionĀ 

Fun facts:

-She would never touch Adam, the fear of sullying him more ingrained in her

-she always walks behind AdamĀ 

-believes she has no purpose outside of Adam.
-doesnā€™t know if her emotions are ever truly hers

-suffers with depersonalisationĀ 

-doesnā€™t know what a lie is so they can be easily manipulated by god

-the heart on her cheek is from when lucifur gave her a kiss when she took the apple. He was the only one who had treated her with proper kindness so she trusted him blindly.

-Eve endured lashings from god as punishment if Adam did anything that god deemed out of line. It got worse toward the end, themĀ finding anything wrong just to hurt her. But she thought that god felt the same pain she did when she got mad at Adam so allowed this to happen, not wanting god to be in pain. There are no marks of this due to god not wanting Adam to get suspicious.

-God forcefullyĀ filed her fangs down so that she wouldnā€™t look like them or Lucifer.