Mc - hero's daugher



2 months, 25 days ago


She is the daughter of a hero, she gets kidnaped and raised by villains. She hasn't forgotten her father is a hero and studies his fighting style and powers. She studies the villains fighting style and tactics. She wants to go tell her dad that she is his daughter, but the villains told her that if she does then they will kill her infront of him. So until she figures out how to work around that... she has to deal with highschool. There is this annoying kid who wants to be her friend for some reason, her grades are dropping like flies, and she continously gets bullied (for saying that she was the hero's daughter when she started coming to school in 5th grade). She knows how to beat them up and pin them down... but the last time she did that she got in real big trouble... which was annoying so now she just has to ignore them. 

Her life is pretty hectic, but there has to be some way to manage it all... she wonders if she will ever get to talk with her dad again, but has to keep her hopes up. If not... maybe she'll become a villain herself...