Agatha Black



2 months, 18 days ago


Agatha Black

 meaning: good and honorable

 You really think you can make me good? Darling, that part of me died a long time ago. All that is left is ash . . . 

»TERRITORY DESCRIPTION• Agatha keeps a territory in the Pentagram. It’s small, but she was actually very happy to get it. She killed the last demon in charge of it… she just didn’t like the way they kept looking at her nor did she like being called small. She made sure the death was slow and painful just so they could see what a “small gal like” her could do.  

Agatha also has another small territory in Wrath. She stays in Wrath more than she does in Pride due to a deal she made long ago. She is forced to stay in one place more than the other. She would enjoy being only in Pride, but the leash around her forces her to stay in Wrath as well. 

Pronouns She / Her
Gender Female
Orientation She / Her
Age 34 y.o.
Birthday 06 . 30 . 1656
Species Raven-Doll Sinner
Status Overlord (dead)

Agatha is well known for being nurturing, highly intuitive and… VERY emotional. Some would like to say she wears her heart on her sleeve, though she isn’t one to cry much. She either shows her sadness with a frown or will speak of it. She mostly shows her anger. So when she does get that saying, she usually comes back saying that her heart is non-existent and the only thing on her sleeve is the fire that still burns from when she was burnt alive. This doesn’t mean she doesn’t ever get uncomfortable or have the feeling to flee. There are times where if she cannot understand the emotions she’s feeling, she will retreat away from others to hide in secret. Other than that, anyone who messes with her or makes her feel low merely meets her wrath.

To those who will be her friends, she is very loyal, protective, caring, and intuitive. She is great for advice and she won’t allow anyone to harm those who she sees as friends. Right now, she doesn’t have any as she is also very introverted, but it doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be willing to try and have friends. It merely makes her hard to have any.

»OVERLORD DESCRIPTION• Agatha has had time to learn a lot of spells. She can easily read runes thanks to what she learned in life. While she will keep the most powerful spells for herself, she does like to sell the smaller spells to other denizens in Hell. She even sells potions from time to time. The best part about this is when she gets to see the chaos unravel, watching denizens use her spells and potions.. It’s always enjoyable for her.
Height 5'3" (Doll form) or 6'0" (demonic form)
Weight 132
Build Slim and small
Mark/s She has scars all over her body

Skin Tone Light Gray (Ashy)
Feather Color Black
Feather Length 21cm
Coat N/A
Eye Color Blue (doll form), Black (demonic form)
Hair Color Raven Black
Hair Length Long


Agatha has a bad past and while she doesn't like to admit it, she does has PTSD from it. She actually doesn't even know what PTSD is as it wasn't a thing back in her day. She has heard discussions about the term around her before, but never felt the need to research it nor ask questions about it because she felt it didn't pertain to her. When she sees similar actions happening to people that happened to her, she does go into a frenzy due to her PTSD. Her rage cannot be controlled any longer, making her grow out of control. 


While Agatha has the ability to use fire as an ability of hers, she doesn't like to use it much. She is actually afraid of fire, having the memory of her own death when she sees it. Her own dress is usually caught on fire when she is in her demonic form and it frightens her to see it on a daily basis though she tries to hide that fear away so no one knows. 

Cooking: While she was bad at cooking on Earth, she learned to be a better cook down in Hell as she practiced and learned on her own time.

Musical Talent: Agatha is gifted on the piano. She had wished she went to a music school to continue learning piano, but sadly she wasn’t allowed that. She has sometimes found herself creating a live orchestra of music with her ash slaves as she played on the piano. She usually will stop though the second she’s caught doing so.

Intellectual: While she won’t admit it, she is highly intelligent. She learned a lot of the talents she knows by herself, reading… writing… all of that she learned to do on her own because no one taught her. She even taught herself to sing though she doesn’t know how good she is… she gets shy about her voice.









Battle Strategy

Agatha is more of a strategist when it comes to battle. She uses her intellect to help her in battle. She enjoys seeing the battlefield as more of a chess game in her mind where she will continue to figure out which moves to make and what outcomes could happen in fast time. She is very good at thinking quick on her feet. With her being a strategist though, she does have a habit of not seeing everything around her and so she could get ambushed from time to time as long as someone snuck up behind her and not went to be so noisy. 

 Longevity: Agatha doesn’t have to worry about old age now that she is… well, dead. She doesn’t have to worry about any Earthly issues really. While there is the fact that she can die in battle or it be the fact that she died from a Hell illness, she doesn’t have to worry about the other issues that she would worry about on Earth.

 Fire Resistance: As she had been burnt alive, one lucky thing about her is that she now has the gift of being fire resistant. She found this out when someone tried to burn her. It was quite humorous after she killed them.

 Flight: Even with her wings hidden, she can still somewhat glide from place to place, but with her wings out she can fly for far distances. She enjoys tossing her enemies in the air.

Weapon Dagger
Range short
Specialty Spells




  • Ash Servants - Those who had died from her curse are now her slaves, forced to do her bidding forever. They form as bodies of ash though they can do damage once they’re able to be in their full form. They will usually show up with chains around their arms and legs.
  • Demon Transformation - While Agatha doesn’t show it often, she has the ability to become a larger, stronger, a more demonic transformation. She would have her wings in full instead of ash-like, her height would grow four inches, and she would have claws and sharper teeth even in her transformation. This transformation also goes the opposite for her too to show a more innocent self.
  • Pyrokinesis -  Though she doesn’t like using it much (fire is not a friend of hers), she has the ability to control fire and ash. She usually uses it as a distraction at most, but there have been times where she has used it to cause damage to others.
  • Witch Magic - While in Hell, Agatha continued to keep up with her studies, going as far as being able to use it against her enemies. She had to do a bit of killing before she could get to the information, but it was worth it.

Association N/A
Occupation Sells Spells and

                                       Enchanted Weapons

Rank Overlord
Birthplace North America
Residence Pride Ring
Blood Type N/A
Archetype Sage
Alignment Chaotic Good
Role Overlord of Witchcraft
Relationship Status Single


Agatha hides her emotions from everyone, trying to remain a mystery to most as she doesn't wish to show what she is truly thinking. She knows how sick and twisted the thoughts in her mind can be and she doesn't want others to find out what they may be. She also keeps a frown on her face most times. It is rare to see her smile.

  • Like - Art, piano, reading, tea, cooking (now that she can cook well), seeing her enemies fall

  • Dislike - Strangers, her family and ex-husband, revealing her past, asshat demons who try to think they’re better than everyone else, abusers, being called small, fire

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like





Agatha and Diablo have had quite a few interactions as of recently. She has went to his house a few times and has gotten to know him. She knows he likes her, but she has no idea on how she feels about him as of yet. She would like to give him a chance, but she is worried about giving anyone a chance especially with the fact that she still doesn't know nor understand her own feelings. She does enjoy his company though and has valued his friendship as of lately. 


Diablo and Agatha have been working for Satan for quite some time. Diablo has more free will than Agatha does, not having accepted a deal from Satan like Agatha did, but they still worked for the same Sin. Agatha had met Diablo in person though not from their work but from him meeting her in her shop in Wrath. He had went to see who was working along side with him, only to see the frail woman in her doll form. He wasn't easy to deceive though. He knew well that if Agatha worked for Satan that she wasn't as frail or weak as she appeared to be in the illusion she gave to everyone. He went to offer her a ride around Wrath, which she accepted. They fought a few powerful creatures before heading to Diablo's home, where Agatha learned more about Diablo and Diablo learned more about Agatha. They continued to connect day by day until Diablo started to offer gifts to Agatha, giving her chocolates on certain days and inviting her to dates. She has accepted the offers though she also has been conflicted in wondering if she truly cares about Diablo in such a way or if the infatuation is only one sided. 

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




He / Him
Qayin (Cain)

Agatha doesn't often show this, but she has a deep appreciation of Qayin. She knows well that Qayin most likely things she has a crush on him, but it is more that she truly respects the man and completely trusts him. She knows of his past and knows that he is full of more wrathful thoughts than she could ever imagine in her own mind... yet Qayin can keep himself in control better than Agatha can. He doesn't have to look emotionless. With that, Agatha seems to have a deep understanding of Qayin and is willing to go to him for guidance on anything. 

Agatha and Qayin actually met on accident both times that they met. The first time they met was with them both being in Wrath, merely being in the same place at the same time coincidentally. Agatha learned then about his weapon making shop in Wrath and grew curious about it. Once she heard of his disappearance, she figured she would take over his shop. It was bigger than her old shop and she didn't want any of the imps in the area to destroy the shop... so she took control of the shop in respect for Qayin. She didn't expect him to come back though... so when he did, she was actually caught off guard. She tried to apologize for her actions, but Qayin seemed more understanding of her taking the shop. Over time, they both started to discuss about themselves since they were going to be partners. Agatha never gave full details of herself just as Qayin never gave full details of himself... but he didn't have to. Agatha already knew quite a bit from what was written in the many Bibles before.. yet Agatha grew to have quite the respect for Qayin and trust for him because of what she knew already. They continue to be partners now in the shop, Agatha selling spells and enchanted weapons and Qayin selling handmade weapons. It's been a nice partnership that Agatha hopes will last. 

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




She / Her

Agatha will be honest when she says that she doesn't know how to feel about Rosie. She is very appreciative of the dress Rosie had made her, but at the same time she wonders what Rosie could be up to. What favor could Rosie want from her? What was Rosie thinking deep down? She is weary of Rosie, which gives her a dislike as of right now towards Rosie, though she is starting to grow more fondly of Rosie as they continue to interact. 


Rosie and Agatha don't have many interactions as of right now. She at first met Rosie during the overlord meeting that she had to attend in Pride. It was there that she got to learn how poised Rosie was. She grew a lot of respect towards Rosie due to the behavior Rosie showed in the meeting. That respect continued to grow as they met again in Cannibal Colony when Agatha went to find her tailor. She was surprised to meet Rosie at first only for Rosie to offer to make her a dress instead. The dress was a dream in itself, but the singing and the dancing was quite annoying to Agatha. There was also the fact that Rosie didn't allow Agatha to pay, but instead offered Agatha to do a favor for her later on. It made Agatha nervous over the fact that she was owing a debt to another overlord. She still accepted it though as she didn't want to be rude to such a respectable overlord in her eyes. 

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




He / Him


Agatha has had a few interactions with Zestial. She doesn't understand why, but she does feel some sort of connection to him though she cannot tell what kind of connection it is. She could see them being more like brother and sister... or being more like close friends if Zestial allowed it, but she doesn't know if that will ever come to be. She does enjoy his company though and does find their conversations quite satisfying. 


Agatha first met Zestial in a meeting between them where Zestial went to learn more about Agatha since they were both beings from the olden times. Agatha was merely happy to find someone who spoke in the same tongue as she did, having to change how she spoke to people so they understood her usually. She enjoyed their conversation though as well as the tea and pastries they had. It was quite an enjoyable moment. He then invited her to join the overlord meetings in Pride more often. While she was more on guard about doing so, she felt as though she could trust him in aiding her during the meetings. She accepted his offer and met him in the meeting, where she stayed beside him during it as she continued to try and speak her mind. She did see her ex-husband there, but she felt like Zestial gave her some courage to continue the meeting at least. 

Romantic Feelings

Platonic Like




He / Him
Eric Black

Eric and Agatha have had a long history. Agatha has not only a great distaste for the man, but also a sense of fear for the man as well. Every time she sees him, she either freezes up or has the urge to try and kill the man. She wishes the man was never born, but since she knows that can't be a thing... she could only hope that the man will be taken out of existence one day. 


Agatha has suffered unbearable torment from Eric during the time they were alive. She was forced to marry him and then was forced to deal with his torture for years. She did eventually kill him in life, only to be stuck with him in Hell in death. She has been hiding from him in death for the longest time now so that he cannot do anything to her further, knowing he still wishes to claim her as his wife. 

Enneagram Type 4 (Individualism)
Zodiac Sign Aries
Birthstone Diamond

Goals . . .

Agatha Black wishes to turn all of those who had done wrong to her into her servants, making them do her bidding for all eternity, before she moves to live a life of peace.

. . . Fears

She slightly has a fear that she will one day see her ex-husband again… She’ll merely kill him again, but it’s still a fear of hers


- Agatha Black's concept was first created by several inspirations. A few of them being Sadako from Ringu, Alice the Angel in Bendy and the Ink Machine, Bendy's Ink Form in Bendy and the Ink Machine, and a few hints from Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
- Agatha truly has a concept that she should belong in Hell. She doesn't see herself as a Heaven kind of person and refuses to believe that she will ever be worth redeeming. 
- Agatha will tolerate children, but deep down she despises children and will never see herself as a mother figure due to the incidents that happened in her past. 

Values & Motivations

Agatha values honesty out of everything else. She hates when people lie to her because she sees it as someone trying to keep secrets from her, maybe even plotting her demise. She will slowly lose more and more trust over the person over time as they continue to be dishonest. She also values respect over many things. While she may be a killer, she still has a strong value of respect in her mind. These two core values helps her get through the day in seeing who she will get along with and who she won't get along with. 

With this all in mind, she keeps her goal close to her as well. This goal keeps her motivated over the long years of being in Hell. She knows that once her goal is accomplished, she can then relaxed... but she chooses to continue to be motivated by the goal and not give up hope that it can be accomplished one day. 

General Health

Agatha being dead doesn't have anything truly to worry about when it comes to her health, but what people don't notice or hear from her is the pain and discomfort she does feel from her death. She died from being burnt alive and because of that she has some damage that stayed with her even during death. She has smoke that stays in her lungs, making it a struggle to breath sometimes. She doesn't seem to show it often as she doesn't want anyone to see this discomfort, but there are times where she will wheeze if she is in too much of a panic. She also will ooze out a black like tar. This is because there is tar inside of her stomach. She generally can handle it by being only slightly nauseous, but she will release the tar from inside of her when she is angry due to her being unable to hide her discomfort any longer. 


Blood Red
Victorian Era Dresses
La Vie En Rose
Classical and Jazz
Video Game

Hot Tea



Agatha Black has the concept that she will treat others how others treat her. She used to have a concept when she was younger to treat everyone with respect, but that concept changed due to the life she lived. So after everything that had happened, she had changed her ideas to treating others how they treat her. As long as they are respectful to her, she will do her best to be respectful to them... but if they do anything to annoy or bother her, she will be disrespectful to them.

**WARNING!!! This story will contain abuse, murder, and death!!**

Education Self-Educated
Language English, French
Religion Pagan
Universe Hell


 Agatha as a child learned several things, but the biggest things she learned in life was how to be an adequate spellcaster and how to play the piano proficiently. 


 Agatha as an adult suffered through years of abuse, which allowed her to grow mad. She quickly took out her rage onto everyone who did wrong to her before she was killed                                                            herself.


 In Hell, she continued to take her own vengeance on those who did wrong to her before she climbed up to the overlord title thanks to the help of a certain Sin. 


Agatha grew up in the mid-1600s. During this time, it was uncommon for women to go to schooling. That didn't mean women didn't try to learn in their own ways. There were several women who tried to learn how to read and write with aide from their parents, learning the arts and other concepts around the world. Agatha was one of many who went to do her best to learn as much as she could. After learning how to read and write from her parents, she read as much as she could. She also was allowed to choose one of the arts to focus on. The art she chose to focus on was pianoforte as she enjoyed the feeling of the keys on her fingers. It had just came out and was quite popular so it wasn't unusual for her family to have a pianoforte themselves.  

 Not Many Friends 

Agatha grew up not having many friends in her life because she was seen as weird and odd. 


Agatha even as a child always had this dream of becoming a great maestro or composure. She enjoyed playing the piano and making her own songs.


Agatha as a young child did have a habit of pushing kids down when they did things she didn't like. She was quickly disciplined though and was trained not to do this. 

 Gifted Pianist 

Even as a child, Agatha was very gifted in her knowledge at the piano. She knew how to play very well and could adapt to certain songs quickly. 


Due to Agatha's mother being of French decent, Agatha was able to learn French and English growing up.


Even as a child, Agatha was gifted with exceptional beauty. It was hard to not adore a girl like Agatha so easily even with her odd habits.

Spells Knowledge

Agatha during this time of life was also learning about spellcasting from her mother. Her mother's family had been witches for generations. Some had been good and some had been bad, but Agatha's mother had spell books that were both good and bad. Her mother would always say that it was good to keep the bad things locked away so that no one else could get ahold of them, keeping everyone from harms way. Her mother was a healer in the town though and did her best to teach Agatha all of her ways. She helped Agatha be able to read the language inside the books, taught her how to recite spells, and even went out of her way to show the sacrifices that can happen with each spell casted. She made sure to give Agatha a thorough teaching of spellcasting at a young age, wanting Agatha to be a healer when she grew up. To her mother's dismay, that did not happen sadly.  

Weird Habits

Agatha during her childhood already knew she was odd. She could tell that just by how she thought things out and how she behaved around other children. She had this habit of laughing when others were in pain. Not like a trauma reflex, but more of the fact that she actually enjoyed them being in pain. She would of course apologize afterwards, knowing it was seen as something strange to others by just how people looked at her, but she couldn't help the laughing she would do. She had siblings that noticed habit too and started to make fun of it from time to time, making her hate them, but she made sure to keep those thoughts to herself. 

Forced Marriage

Agatha got to find out around the age of nineteen that she would be wedded to someone eventually. It was seen proper for women back in that day for them to wed and give an offspring, cleaning the house and cooking meals for the men. As she started to grow more, she was forced to learn the daily chores to try and prepare her for this life. By the time she was twenty-one, she was forced into a marriage that she didn't even want. She begged and pleaded for her parents to change their minds, but they wouldn't even budge in their thoughts as it was the way things were. She went to the alter in tears the day she was married. She couldn't even be happy during that day. While the guy before her seemed quite handsome, she knew it would be a miserable time for her for she didn't even love him. To her, it wasn't fair.. nor was it right for her to marry someone she didn't even love.

 Not Skilled Housewife 

Even as Agatha was learning the daily chores, she was never truly good at being a housewife. She always got nervous in cooking and cleaning too easily and soon got distracted. 

 Near Death Experiences 

Agatha did nearly die a few times during the abuse she suffered from her husband. Some of them were from lack of food and water. Other times were from the injuries she was given.

 Family Hatred 

Agatha truly has a hatred for her family, especially her siblings with how they acted when she asked for help. They had laughed at her and mocked her... and she will never forgive that.

 Spells Master 

Without Agatha realizing it, her anger had actually caused her to become a very powerful witch at a young age. She may have died using those powerful spells, but it helped her become very powerful very early.

 Several Suitors 

Agatha had many suitors before she was married. Her beauty made her seem like a goddess to men as she continued to try for her goal, failing in her own ideas due to the logic of her era. 

Failure to Abuse

Agatha did her best to try and remember everything she was taught in the few years of doing chores herself. She had grown nervous though as she had found out that the life she might have with her husband wouldn't be as comfortable as once thought out. She had already informed him before how she didn't wish to have any intimate relations with him yet due to her not having any close feelings towards him. He wasn't happy with this. This made Agatha even more nervous with her chores, worried about angering him more. She started to mess up more on her chores, burning the food she cooked... causing damage to the things she was supposed to be cleaning... it caused her husband to be more angry with her to the point where he started to abuse her. She suffered for over a decade the abuse her husband gave to her: beatings, being starved, pushed down the stairs, locked in rooms for days, etc. She continued to suffer with no help coming to her. 

Vengeance 'til the End 

Agatha in the end did try to get help. She went to her family only to be taken back to her husband to be abused again. That was when she went to have a deadly idea. The second she could sneak out of her husband's house again, she went out of her way to go back to her parent's home... steal one of the spell books her mother kept hidden... and then went out of her way to recite a curse to those who did wrong to her. She wanted to make sure that if she died, that those who did wrong to her would die painful deaths afterwards too. She then went out to complete her own mission. She went into her parent's home and grabbed a knife before killing her entire family with that knife, including her siblings. She then went out of her way to head back to her husband's home before stabbing him several times, killing him in the process. She was about to curse him into servitude in Hell, but was stopped mid-spell by the villagers of the colony. They pulled her away from her husband's dead body then knocked her unconscious. When she woke up, she was trialed as a witch for being caught reciting spells while killing someone. She tried to tell the town what had happened to her, but no one believed her... instead merely angry at her and screaming at her. She was found guilty before being put on a stake, preparing to be burnt alive. At that point, she cursed the whole town to perish after she had died. She wanted them to feel her wrath.. and she knew they would eventually. All she had to do was suffer the pain of being burnt alive.

Vengeance in Hell

Once Agatha was in Hell, she only had to wait until she noticed that some of the villagers from her colony had finally showed up in Hell too as Sinners. With her bringing her spell book in Hell, she started to cast spells on all the villagers. She forced them into servitude as her ash servants one at a time, making sure to take a few days to recover after she used the spell each time as it would take up a lot of her energy. If they fought her or had tried to conjure an army to attack Agatha, she would fight back and kill anyone who got in her way. She was slowly becoming a terror in Pride with how she was attacking people so easily in Hell and how she was willing to kill people in Hell. She got to the point where she had captured everyone, but one person... her ex-husband.

 Finding Weaknesses 

As Agatha continued to fight, she started learning a lot of her weaknesses, including how her magic would take from her own energy.

 Hatred for Satan 

After the deal, Agatha started to slowly develop a hatred for Satan. She was thankful for him keeping his part of the deal... but was very unhappy in being seen as his pet now. 

 Good Heart 

While Agatha does have a twisted and wrathful mind, she always did have a soft heart for those who needed help. She still gives free spells to those who are in need of aide. 

 Ash Servants 

While she hasn't gotten everyone from the village in her servitude, she has gotten mostly everyone which is an achievement in itself.

 Overlord Status

While Agatha doesn't see it as an achievement, she did become an overlord and has kept the status for quite a long time. She had merely grown bored with the title now. 

Meeting with Satan...

During one of her rampages, she actually didn't realize that she was being watched. It wasn't until too late that she finally noticed a shadow in the background. She looked over to see the shadow turn into a dragon like man. She slowly walked over to him curiously, having not seen someone like him before but feeling quite a bit of power from him. As she got closer, she had found out that he was merely impressed by the amount of wrath she was portraying in her abilities. She, of course, went to be honest with him, letting him know she was merely getting vengeance on those who attacked her first. That was when the demon had offered Agatha a deal. He offered to aide her in her abilities as well as giving her a new home and powers she couldn't even imagine... and all she needed to do was show the same wrath in his homeland. She at first was confused by the deal, but decided to agree to it, not knowing how binding deals were in Hell. She felt the chains around her neck wrap around her quickly, not even realizing she was giving her own servitude to the demon before her. She ended up in Wrath Ring shortly afterwards where she did as she promised, showing her own anger towards the land around her. 

Overlord Status

As Satan had promised, Agatha was given power... but not in the way she thought of. It was in status and not in strength. She was quickly given the title of overlord in Wrath, which fell down to her being one in Pride as well. Satan helped her get two shops: one in Pride and one in Wrath. He then aided her in her having a home in Wrath before leaving the rest to her. Agatha went to make the home more homey with her own spells and the things she bought over time. She kept up with her title too by selling the wares she could sell in her shop. It took a bit to figure out what to sell, but soon realized that not everyone could read her spell book. So she used the shop to sell spells and enchanted weapons... though she kept them at a high price, only giving things out for free to those who truly needed the spells or weapons.




Piano Proficiency


Pure Beauty




Master Spellcaster


Black Widow


Vengeance Seeker





Ribbons by user

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