


3 months, 2 days ago



Celeste has little to no memories of her childhood. She was taken from her mother at birth and raised with another group of pups, nursed by another mother. Her memories from her younger years are very fuzzy, and she developed slective muteness. She was born and raised inside a large underground cavern, with no view of the stars or the skies. While the cavern had pools of water and trees, it was a stale home. She grew up in a semi-large cult-like pack, where she was part of the lead's experimental collection, and she was allowed some free time to dive in the pools of water. She doesn't remember much, but slowly over the years the members of her cult-like pack began to fall, to starvation, diseases or sickness, and nobody was able to leave the caverns. Her siblings all disappeared, and the pack leaders eventually disappeared too. All that was left at the end, was her and one of the elderly caretakers who tried to take care of Celeste. He would often talk to her, and tell her stories of the outside world and of the stars and night skies, until one day he too died, leaving only Celeste. With no knowledge or idea how to get out, she only survived on eating fish from the cavern pools. She would often curl up in the smaller pools and lay still, the corals on her back shimmering under the water like the reflection of the night sky she so desires to see. Will she ever be able to leave the caverns..?

Celeste, while not being her true name, holds onto the name the elders gave her. She's quiet, meek and doesn't speak often. She is selective mute, and only speaks to very specific wolves. She has never seen the stars, and only has a mental image of what they look like from stories the elders told them. She thinks the caverns is all there is to the world. All she wants to do is to see the stars, but as the cavern is all she knows, she's too scared to venture too far from the safety of the water, and safety of the dark shadows of her pools..

Physical Description

Symbolized - Yes
Marked - Yes
Mutated - Yes


Element - Water
Inherited Ability - Moonlight, Campoflage, Partical Absorb

Celeste is an AzureHowl Reborn fan character. Species, bases and lore belongs to Shilach

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