


6 months, 4 days ago


16 | Female | Water x Forester

"Oblivion," by NEONI x Zayde Wølf


Eila was born in a litter of four males. She was the only hybrid, and so her mother had high expectations of her. Eila grew up alongside her siblings, but ever she was young she'd always have a dream of a mysterious wolf that looked a lot like her. She told her parents, who both went quiet and her mother started to grow bitter. Eila never understood why, but she never brought up the recurring dream again. Her mother had grown distant and somewhat bitter of her life in the Forester pack, so Eila learned to not temper with her mother and worked hard to meet her expectations, but was often met with disappointment. It wasn't before she was older she finally asked her father about the dream, who confessed that the wolf she was seeing sounded a lot like her adoptive brother, Ronin. Before EIla was born, a disease struck the pack and a puppy lost both his parents and all of his siblings, leaving him an orphan and a survivor. He was adopted by her own parents and raised, but ever since she was born and revealed to be a hybrid, he mysteriously and suddenly left. Ever since then, Eila has tried all she can to find out who he is, and why she keeps dreaming of him.

Eila is curious, but stubborn. She has ambitions, and strives for her goals. Growing up around four water siblings, she always had someone to spar and play rough with and grew up acting a lot like them. She's quite obsessed with learning and finding out more about her adoptive brother, why he was banished, and how he survived, but she doesn't want her parents to find out. She cares for her father, but she's a bit hostile to her mother and her expectations and can be quite cold towards her. She loves all her brothers though. She likes to have the last word, and won't back down when challenged.

Physical Description

Symbolized - Yes
Marked - Yes
Mutated - Yes


Element - Water
Inherited Ability - Water Boost & Scent Change

Eila is an AzureHowl Reborn fan character. Species, bases and lore belongs to Shilach

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