Nanala Vázquez



3 months, 6 days ago


"Fairytale endings don't exist; not in this world."

Nanala Vázquez
31 years
Cis Female (she/her)
Tabby cat
5'9" (175 cm)
Soul Affiliation
House of Roaring Tempest
God Bond
Neptune, The Seamstress of the Tides
Damia City, Bion
Queen of Bion

t wasn’t long ago that Nanala took the throne of Bion, the kingdom protected by the House of Lyrical Enchantment, quickly rising from princess to queen after the shocking deaths of both of her parents. Nanala’s new reign as queen has proved difficult, however, as not only does she have to worry about the calamity of the land, The Forlorn, but it seems the newly fallen angel of divination has been tormenting her region as well.

Despite how suddenly everything happened and how intimidating of a persona she has, it seems that the majority of Bion appreciates her rule more than the one of her parents. Nanala rules with a strong hand, but it’s known that everything she does, she does for the good of her people.


  • Sunflowers
  • Citrine
  • Early mornings
  • Ornate weapons


  • Fake jewels
  • Cheap liquor
  • Late nights
  • Sudden noises


Orientation: Lesbian

Zodiac: Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Capricorn, 1st asc in Virgo

Theme song: Elysion - Fairytale

  • Is said to wear the absolute finest jewels in the region, some of which are rumored to enhance her magic.
  • Rumored to have a very beautiful singing voice, but never lets anyone hear it.
  • While still princess, she was in intense training to be an arcane archer. Her shot is still phenomenal, and she won't hesitate to join battle if she needs to.

I. Personality


trong willed with an icy cold exterior, Nanala is someone who carries a very intimidating presence, especially with her status as queen. She’s a very “no nonsense” individual, hating to waste time, never stopping to relax and seeming to have little patience for the things that get under her skin. While she’s very refined and definitely gives off the vibe of being a classy lady, she’s not afraid of being snappy or telling someone off should she feel the need to. She doesn’t appreciate jokes and games when it’s time to be serious, and in her eyes, it’s always time to be serious; the weight of the crown weighs heavily on her head, and she’s constantly losing sleep over the problem of trying to keep her people safe from The Forlorn.

While shocking to most, Nanala isn’t a completely prickly person. In her younger years she was far more bright eyed and bushy tailed, but the weight of growing up as the heir to the Bion throne slowly chipped away at her and made her lose her sparkle. Her protective nature masks the fact she can be quite sweet and considerate, especially if she cares about someone, and the hardened expression she wears certainly does her no favors. Truthfully, Nanala just wants to do right by as many people as she can, and this mindset seems to have caused so much stress it completely overtook her more gentle side.

II. History


ot too much is known about Nanala’s life before she took the throne as queen, truthfully. While in her younger years as princess she could be found exploring outside of the castle’s walls inside of Damia City every now and again, she always seemed to be quickly whisked back to where she belonged. She became known to the people of Bion in mostly stories and her brief official public experiences; Nanala was the well-disciplined heir, the pride of the Vázquez family, so smart and diligent for her age, and even rumored to be a very proficient magical archer. She was known, but no one truly knew her.

Her parents ruled with a lax hand; while they seemed to be respectable monarchs, they weren’t known to be very tight in their rule. Things started rapidly changing the closer Nanala became to inherent the throne, the late king and queen seemed off, they were making strange decisions, inflicting cruel punishments, it was much different than before. Rumors spread that it had something to do with the Calamity of the Thicket, The Forlorn; the rumors only spread further when the day came when both the king and queen were found dead in the palace. The deaths were ruled as no foul play being involved.

Despite her full story being unknown, Nanala had vowed the day the crown was placed on her head that she would do far better for Bion than anyone in her line ever had.

IV. Relationships

Soliana VázquezYounger sister


Her very annoying younger sister. While Nanala looks constantly exasperated with Soliana, she would be lying if she said she did not love her. In fact, because of the steep age difference between them, she's quite protective over her as well... despite Soliana constantly trying to push her buttons and make her mad.

Henrietta LaFontaine "Nettie"Priestess


The LaFontaine family may have been in service to the Vázquez family for a long time now, but Nanala does not care for Nettie at all. Not only can she not stand her attiude, she feels as if something is off about her.

The ForlornCalamity of the Thicket


The spirit that's been plaguing Bion for centuries; Nanala will do whatever it takes to be rid of them once and for all.

KisaAngel of Divination


The new menace that's been plaguing the region, acting as if she's a subordinate of The Forlorn. While Nanala recognizes Kisa is an angel, she currently holds no sympathy to someone who's terrorizing her people.