


1 month, 12 days ago



Name Arlie Holligan/Heracles
Age 20
Gender Female
Pronouns She/Her
Resides Jino
Species Human
Height 5'7"
Build Thin
Hair Blonde
Eyes Brown
Sexuality Aro/Ace
Occupation Full Time Student
Zodiac Aries



Arlie grew up in the very middle of Jino, upper middle class, with her parents and younger brother. Arlie's parents were incredibly strict, rarely letting her leave the house except for school and extracurriculars. Early on in life Arlie found herself gravitating towards music and learning the guitar, which her parents weren't the most supportive of. Arlie ended up making up a math tutor in order to leave the house and practice the guitar, and she almost started a band before her parents eventually caught her.

Arlie's parents only allowed her to attend the community college if she majored in Computer Science and Robotics, but she decided to minor in Music as a last act of defiance before moving out to college. The Jino Community College is where Arlie met Azalea and Hale, the three becoming fast friends.

Traits and Mannerisms

Arlie is a bit of a rebel and definitely has ADHD, tapping her fingers rhythmically when she's bored or anxious. Her grades are always a C or B, and she spends her downtime playing her guitar and annoying her roommate.

Arlie tends to rub her temples and play with her fingers when she's nervous, but she tries not to let it show. She quickly converted to The Faith of Osypso when she moved out, and it's obvious with the way her outfits changed drastically from upper class student to hippie once she got into college.

When Arlie's not jamming out or being a general nuisance, she's helping her friends with their group projects or loitering somewhere. Sometimes she'll bother her friends and ask about song lyrics she's working on.


  • Relaxation
  • Playing guitar
  • Writing lyrics
  • Macaroni
  • Funny mugs


  • Small spaces
  • Spicy foods
  • Sodas
  • Organized religion
  • English majors