♕ Faust ♕'s Comments

Would you ever look at offers on them?

Sure, I haven’t used him as much as I thought I would! Most likely art/trades ^^

Feel free to look here https://toyhou.se/GooseGore/characters/folder:3742900 or GooseSales 

If not I could totally offer some art!

Hiya! Does anyone here interest you?https://toyhou.se/Cosmic_doq/characters/folder:3085065

Unfortunately no one interested me, but thanks for the offer!

That's ok! Np! 

:0 This guy is really cool
Anyone in here interest you? 

I didn’t see anyone sorry!

Thats alright! Would you accept art for him?

I only accept art from people I know well sorry!

Thats ok! Thanks though 

almost anyone in my th interest you?? unsorted and a couple others are oflimits! i can also offer or add on art!

No one interested me sorry!