


1 month, 17 days ago


purposely made out of a bunch of poisonous/venomous animals, hopefully they come prebuilt with poison immunity!(they don’t)(increased tolerance at best)
cooks poisonous meals for Cancer. At their request! something about building a tolerance by microdosing or something... its good cuisine just. generally inedible to the general populace. But hey, at least they dont have to worry about the space rats! just... keep an eye on the space roaches i think theyre building an immunity as well....

their body is venomous, thatswhatthepointofthemaskis andddddd poison and medicine is like two sides of the same coin... and hes looking for a way to make his body less hazardous to others... so hes good at identifying toxins. i dont know the word, Toxicologist? alchemist sure doesnt sound right 

has that straightjackape but idk if its sentient (like doctor strange) or how it works. i LOVE bullshitting!!!1

the claws retract because, if they cant it might be inconvenient. and frankly im not skilled enough to render that stuff rip

very meticulous with where they put their hands (YOU TOO should practice weapon safety)

also ive spent so long drawing them that my early sketches have different clothing. pls ignore