࿊NIGHTINGALE࿊'s Comments

Hello I’d love to snag this silly if I could, I already posted a comment on Jelly for them and this was the other character I wanted to snag if I could, if there is a limit to those I can take I’ll take jelly over this one but figured I’d ask for both anyways!

someone has already claimed them, please be sure to check that before trying to claim :)

Could i snag please ^^

yep! pending ^^

Thank you <3

AAA THE PIECE OF JACKIE AND ADELINE TURNED OUT SO CUTE?!?!! I adore the poses so much eek <3333  I love ur style sm alkfhsadkhas I could seriously just stare at it all day aaaa /gen  Anywho, all of the art was crazy awesome?! Tysmmm!!!!

And here’s some higher quality images of the kiddo! https://sta.sh/2e5mpnrvuw0 :DD can‘t wait to see what you do with them eeee tysm for buying