Grey Woods (Beastars)



3 months, 10 days ago


General Info:

- Is a first generation Horse/Wolf hybrid
- Very quiet and gruff but doesn't mean negative anything by it
- Not related to Legoshi by blood (similarities in designs are just coincidences) but sees him as a bit of a son figure once he starts coming to the Black Market more
- Also sees Louis as a bit of a son figure as well lmao
- Really hates the Black Market but uses its strength to keep the carnivores that visit it in line/keep the herbivores that work there safe
- Also helps Gohin with his more troublesome patients when needed, respects him and what he does a lot
- Is incredibly fast and physically strong which helps it hold its own against Carnivores in fights, even the ones that have recently consumed meat/blood
- Lives in the Beast Apartments
- Works as security for Cherryton High as well as being an enforcer in the Black Market
- Dating GonIbuki and Agata in a polyamorous relationship
- Friends with Gohin, the residents of the Beast Apartments (but especially Bogue and Mugi), the members of the ShishigumiGoshaMog (as kids)
- Crushing on (not dating) LukeRoseMiyagiTenAishaOgmaand Eado
- Wanted to be the first hybrid Beastar but eventually drops the ambition as it grew and realized how hybrids are seen by society/realized it wasn't really suited for the job anyway
- Really doesn't like that Beastar candidates are chosen at such a young age, agrees with Gon that they shouldn't be forced into such an important and stressful role during an already confusing and stressful part of their lives
- Similar to Gon has a strong conviction of justice and believes that Carnivores, Herbivores and Hybrids can all coexist together if everyone did their part to keep each other safe
- Has a heavy disdain for Carnivores that don’t treat the herbivore meat they’re consuming with the respect it deserves as well as anyone that thinks hybridism is dirty/should be wiped from society completely

Hybridism-Specific Info:

- Mom is a blue roan thoroughbred horse, Dad is a grey wolf
- Has heightened senses due to wolf side (night vision, smell, and hearing), finds all of it very overwhelming a lot of the time
- Struggles with violent impulses/carnivorous instincts but never acts out on them
- Impulses are always violence-based, never feels compelled to consume meat
- Has anger issues that are possibly linked to its carnivore instincts as well but working alongside Gohin and dating Gon, Ibuki and Agata helps it get a better grasp on both its anger issues and impulses as time goes on
- Its hybridism causes it to have only a faint sense of taste similar to Melon but unlike Melon can still differentiate flavors 

How It Met Gon, Ibuki and Agata:

Grey's parents had packed up and moved to Japan with the hopes of prestigious schooling circumventing any possible issues society would give it for being a hybrid. It ends up going to the same boarding school that Gon did and very quickly becomes friends with him and, by association, Mog. Was treated poorly by both the carnivore and herbivore students at the school for being a hybrid so Gon and Mog were its only friends causing it to grow incredibly close to them both. It continued to grow closer and closer to Gon as they grew up together and eventually love blossomed between the two and they started dating after Gon nervously asked it out. Grey spent a lot of its free time as a teen and adult just doing random vigilante work before discovering the black market and focusing its vigilantism there instead. Once it started being an enforcer for the black market it ends up becoming acquainted Ibuki and Agata when it has its first one-on-one meeting with the Shishigumi. It hated the Chief Lion but recognized that the rest of the gang had the potential to be different if lead by somebody else so it stayed friendly with them (and just barely cordial with the chief lion, as cordial as it could manage lmao) in the hopes that someone better suited to lead them would usurp eventually. It doesn't really chat with Ibuki and Agata all that much while the chief lion is running the shishigumi because it hates having to interact with him but once Louis becomes leader it's able to find more time to converse with them and eventually they fall in love and, after talking about it with Gon, start dating as well forming a polycule. It continues to date all three even after the black market gets demolished/the shishigumi get sent to jail (Ibuki is still alive and I will hear NOBODY saying otherwise !!!!!!) and forms closer bonds with all of them now that they don't have the stress of the black market/impending civil unrest caused by Melon looming over them.

Random Trivia: 

- Donates to and volunteers at the kindergarten for hybrids constantly
- Is initially untrusting towards any bat that crosses its path due to the Kopi Luwak, especially after they target the hybrid kindergarten
- Is shorter than Gon, Ibuki and Agata but I'm not really sure by how much because none of them have official heights ARRRHRHRHRGHGHGHGHGh (i'll figure this part out later)