
2 months, 28 days ago

Basic Info








Name: Enki
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 150

Starter: Striker App

Safe Shallows

Division: Unknown/Undecided

Job: Martial Arts Instructor
After retiring from Gym Battling, he taught a young Ninja how to fight when she would be without pokemon, as it was bound to happen. His stern personality helps him be quite strict to people who slack off, and his aggressiveness makes him a challenge when he spars against his students. He's quite compassionate about what he calls his craft and is willing to teach anyone who comes to him for training, survivor or fusion alike.
Examples of what he can offer:

  • Martial arts training: He can train others to fight without their pokemon if they are ever in a bind. Who knows when your pokemon could be taken out by a strong oppent. It is wise to be able to defend yourself when your pokemon cannot.
  • Stealth for scouting, spying, or infiltration: Thanks to being a ninja, he is quite silent on his feet, making it hard for him to be detected. His dark clothes make it hard to be spotted in dense areas like jungles or forests, especially at night. He scouts ahead for any aggressive pokemon or team fang members, and will spy on certain Fang members when he sees them too close to the camp 
  • Proper Pokemon Care: He doesn't just teach martial arts, but also pokemon care. He learned a lot in his time as a pokemon trainer and is willing to teach the younger generation on proper pokemon care and companionship. The secret to being a great trainer isn't just power, but relationships with your pokemon after all.

Personality: +Caring +Compassionate +Loyal  -Stern -Stubborn -Aggressive at times

Enki used to be a gym trainer back in the old days before Koga joined the elite four. He lived in the same clan, and learned the ways of the ninja. Poison type pokemon didn't seem to suit him however, so Koga gifted him a different pokemon, an Absol. Enki fell in love with the dark type and trained it to the best of his ability.
After Koga moved to the Elite Four, Enki retired and moved to New Bark town, where he married his wife and had two kids, one of which being Ninja. He raised Ninja best he could, teaching her about Pokemon battling and how to care for her companions. He also taught her his clans ways.
He watched her grow to be ten years old, when got her first pokemon and left New Bark town, her sibling leaving as well. He never saw Ninja again afterwards, as she didn't call or did she write. In the span of a few years, his wife divorced him and left with Micheal's father, leaving him alone with Striker, his old battleworn Absol.
He grew saddened, now that he was alone. he made the choice to find his eldest daughter and left New Bark town. He got onto a boat heading to Unova, hoping she would be there. On the way, a storm hit, knocking the boat off of its course. He and Striker were knocked off of the boat and soon woke up on sand of a beach.
Enki looked at his companion, only to see the absol had changed. He was something else. He shook it from his mind and stood up. He had to find Ninja.
That's all that mattered.  

Trivia: Ninja's father. His favorite pokemon are absols, and encouraged Ninja to never to be afraid of them. He secretely also loves bug type pokemon.