
3 months, 6 days ago




Name Lily Woods
Age 326 y/o
Parents Orchard and Arden
Gender female
Sexuality pan
Pronouns she / her
Allignment True neutral
Species human(?)

 I've already seen it all 
  • She is very tired all the time
  • Permanent eye bags
  • Ambidextrous
  • Has heterochromia, one blue, one brown. Her original eye color was brown.
  • Can play violin very well
  • Plays guitar semi-well

She always thought she was a normal human. She's not, at least
she doesn't think so herself. She is now about 326 years old.. if
she counted correctly. She now seeks answers for her immortality.

Her father had passed when she was young. She lived with
her mother Orchard and her younger sister Blossom. Both have
now passed too. She keeps notes of her family. Her sisters
children, their children and all the generations after. She goes
to festivals and celebration to have small chats with them and writes
down small things like their hobbies or interests in her family tree.

She is known as the family guardian in the Woods family.
Despite thinking she did her best to not draw attention to herself
it quickly caught on that a figure that looked suspiciously related
to them was coming around festivals and talking to members of
their family. A young descendant of Blossom's, Willow, specifically
sought out Lily to ask her for her help in saving her father from a
disease. Lily felt awful she couldn't help the girl, seeing all too much
of herself in her. 

If she found the reason for her immortality she would gladly throw
it away so she could have a normal life. 


Click this for more lore surrounding this characters universe

The humans of the surfacelands were always cautious of the supernatural. With the dragons above them and demons below them, anything magical in their midsts must be the work of spies. Their yearly Season of Exchange festival, were both demons and dragons travel to the surfacelands to exchange cultures seems to be merely a ploy to spy on their potential enemies. Safe to say when their was found to be someone who hadn't aged for years in their midst suspicions were on the high and she was banished from the surfacelands. 

Fleeing from her home, she was taken in by someone who called herself Xendrus. Another immortal like her. Xendrus let her share her home as long as she needed and taught her how to control her newfound power. 

After years in hiding, most of the humans who knew of her banishment had passed or were too old to care. She started coming into human society more and more, though she never stayed there too long. She just took the occasional job here and there and then disappeared for a while so no one would notice.


Her girlfriend! met during the season of exchange festival. Due to her same goal of finding the key to immortality they quickly teamed up and the rest is history.. Despite being way more reckless and confident than Lily the two make a good team. 


Sees a lot of herself in him. They were both once human, cursed with immortality due to being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Despite that she envies him. He had answers his whole life while she was left scrambling for them. Despite that she'd still consider him a friend.