Vasya's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

UnfairCults Global Rules


- You can not claim any designs I've made as your own creation.
- My designs must stay on at all times, and their design must be credited to me
- You cannot sell my designs for more than they're worth. You are allowed to add your own art's worth to the character within reason, but art that you receive through trades does not add any value to the character.
- You may take light inspiration from my designs so long as you do not colorpick or copy their exact markings.


The following users are blacklisted from commissioning from me and/or owning any of my designs. If they already own designs by me at the time of being added they are allowed to keep them, but designs may not be given, traded, or sold to them in the future. Anybody caught purposefully giving a blacklisted user ownership of my designs will also be banned from owning my designs in the future.

- @/ToxicBandaid (added 02/16/22)
- @/WhiskerPawz (added 02/16/22)

My full art and design Terms of Service may be viewed here.