


2 months, 21 days ago


picrew until i have the energy to draw him lol
guy who i was in pov of for a wack ass dream

dream shit under spoiler, stuff is subject to change!

So basically it's the future, Like cyberpunk shit, floating cars and ads everywhere type shit with towering cities. 

There's a popular game involving these motor bikes that is highly regulated by the media called Two Fingers (bc it's all you need to start the bike up Ig?) where it's a little bit like roller derby concept wise? Only on a bigger arena and with bikes? Sometimes there's racing involved too ig. BUT playing two fingers in a non regulated space is illegal! And punishable (idk exactly why but dream logic) Takes place as this boy who grew up in this town with a group of friends and they all played Two Fingers illegally.
Well the government basically raided their entire town but the group of friends managed to escape, only to be picked up by someone eventually who was basically like "You play Two Fingers LEGALLY for me as a contracted group or I turn you over to the authorities" So they do, and they're GOOD at the game, like REALLY GOOD, they're stars in the industry and with fame comes no privacy and stress 24/7.
Along with some suuuuuuuper unsavory manipulation bullshit that would take really long to explain.
Anyways after YEARS OF BEING INVOLVED the team decides there sick and tired of being used and paraded around like show ponies. So they all conspire to essentially get their bikes and ride away together, the problem is is they're HEAVILY monitored so it ends up being a very long and sneaky process.
Also apparently the guy I was had familial death and hospital trauma? Like his mother dyed of this  infection that deformed her which that was never elaborated on but my god this guy was NOT OKAY after that. He was also like quiet spacy guy, I kinda loved him.