


Literally obsessed with him!!!!!!!! Scientist from the 1950s who time traveled back to the Mesozoic era and got trapped there until he was rescued and brought back by someone in 2070!!! He grew really big because of the surplus of oxygen in prehistoric earth's atmosphere, and he carries a tank full of plants on his back to try to supplement his extra oxygen needs in the future!!! I'm so smart and good at characters this guy is cool as hell

1950s human names are good, and I'm also looking for a nickname to call him, something like the news or his new coworkers would refer to him as! He's kind of like a cryptid around the office in the current setting and as seen in the sketches, the boss lady* kinda talks to him like a dog.

*The "boss lady" is the head scientist and she is extremely intelligent but also rude, divorced, an alcoholic, a slut, and never in proper lab safety gear. I thought it would be fun to give predominantly beloved male traits to a female character :) would love names for her, too!!

As usual!!! Suggest names and if I pick yours I will draw you an icon for free!!!