Yulia of Deneb



5 years, 9 months ago



[ " Half gods are worshiped in wine and flowers. Real gods require blood ". ]

[A maenad is a mystical creature,literally meaning "raving one". similar to a nymph, usually associated with the Greek god of wine Dionysus or Bacchus . They are wild creatures prone to unspeakable violence and waves of intense emotion. Are known to tear apart animals with their bare hands  and be near invulnerable in these states.]


Yulia [you-lya] is a connoisseur of Art. She owns an underground bar/wineshop which is quite popular with the bohemian crowd. Knows a ton of people. Likes to participate as an actress or dancer in plays and music festivals. Has an affinity with snakes,  owns quite a few of varying lengths and sizes and degrees of venom. A functional alcoholic. Careless,shallow but selfless and gentle. A HUGE romantic. Neruda and Shakespeare are her favorite writers. A total extrovert. Polyamorous. 

Part of the cult of Dionysus, wherein she is the Ceremonial Head Butcher.

Dresses in airy greek/art noveau inspired fashion. Always dresses,rarely skirts, never pants. Sandals or barefoot. Greens and Purples. Gold jewelry. Flowers. Elaborate hairstyles. Ancient greek or roman usually.  Outfit and Aesthetic Inspiration: [ x ]

!!!!!Has literal grape vines growing out from the nape of her neck. Usually has leaves,stems and even full fruit entertwined with her hair.

Hands stained a dark reddish hue, from wine,dye or blood, nobody really knows.