Minerva Dimitrescu



2 months, 22 days ago


Minerva Dimitrescu

Silverquill Bard - College of Swords
NameMinerva Priscilla Sonya Dimitrescu
Gender/Pronounsfemale (she/her)
BirthdayOctober 26th
Height5' 5"
Body Buildlithe
Traits/Unique Featuresscar over her left eye from running into a cave wall as a kid
HomeHeavenfell, Plane of Arcavios
Voice ClaimAnnapantsu
PlaylistMinerva Vibes
Personalitysassy and well-spoken, but also a goofball

Signature Abilities


Common Elvish Leonin Owlin

Unique Features

Vampiric Bite Flurry of Ink

Notable Items

Ecaterina, the stroh violin



Minerva Priscilla Sonya Dimitrescu has joined Silverquill College at the University of Strixhaven on the plane of Arcavios! The college is known for sharp wit and wordplay used to weave spells; and Minerva channels her magic into motes of ink she uses as both weaponry, most often whips, and defense as a College of Swords bard.


Growing up the daughter of a vampire and an elf had its eccentricities, most of them from the vampiric side. Minerva’s father is a vampire from a long line of hemofarmers. His family was instrumental in developing ethical farming practices, and the company they built is now on the leading edge of magical and synthetic blood substitutes. Her mother is a fiery sun elf who assists her more introverted husband with the business. Minerva and her two brothers each have a unique mix of vampiric traits.

Minerva is sassy and flirty on the surface, sometimes leaning into her vampiric heritage; but won't hesitate to talk straight when needed. She also knows how to let loose and be a huge dork around her friends. She’s had plenty of practice growing up going to parties and switching between a more reserved, though still delightfully quirky, persona and her more relaxed self.

Being born into money, she still has a bit of a rich kid understanding of the world. Such as realizing things like it's not normal to grow up with a pipe organ in your home? Music is a passionate hobby for her, and she loves sharing it with her fellow students when she's not cramming for finals. Recently, Minerva has discovered a love for the game of Mage Tower. So much so, that she's shifted her academic focus to pursue it as a career. 



The Party

Asari, a Witherbloom dryad grave cleric

Quilla, an interdisciplinary Lorhold/Silverquill gnome lore bard

Reigh’jul, a Prismari elven evocation wizard


Grayson Wildemere

Though they both grew up in wealthy families of Heavenfell, even having briefly met on more than one occasion at parties over the years; Minerva and Grayson didn't become friends until their first year at Strixhaven.

After a bit of a rocky start, Minerva literally bowling him over and splattering him with ink to cover her failed attempt at snooping; they started spending time together regularly.

Soon enough, an attraction began to grow between them. It made itself apparent over spring break when they sneaked away from a family party back at home for completely innocent reasons..... that ended up not so innocent. They both agreed that the attraction was purely physical, but having enjoyed themselves, decided to continue as friends with benefits.

It's been a year since then, and Grayson has realized his feelings may have started to run deeper.....


Rory the Inkling

The first Inklings were created by the dragon Shadrax Silverquill long ago. It was an arduous process, tapping into the Weave and Song of Creation to make something from nothing. Eventually, it was discovered that Inklings would congregate around centers of knowledge where books were kept; such as libraries. There they were able to breed and multiply. Finally, there were enough Inklings that Silverquill students could just summon existing ones instead of creating them from scratch.

Unfortunately Minerva didn't get that memo.

All her issues with unintentionally summoning ink during her first year stemmed from her magic unintentionally connecting to the Weave and the Song of Creation; drawing on their power to create a new Inkling. And that's how Rory (short for Rorschach) was born! Because he's a new creation, Rory does look a bit different from the rest on the Inklings. While the others all have an ghostly ink blot form..... Rory looks like an inky bat because of Minerva's unabashed love for the tiny creatures.

Friendly to a fault, Rory is always one for cuddles. He can quite often be found snuggled up with one of Minerva's friends..... much to her amusement.

The Dimitrescu Family

Mors Janua Vitae - Death, the door to life.

An appropriate motto for the Dimitrescus, being descended from the original vampire that helped found the town of Heavenfell. Though their lineage can be traced, it is not a direct birth bloodline. Adoption is very popular among vampire families, so it can make things a bit messy.


Constantin Dimitrescu

Minerva’s father, is a vampire and current head of the Dimitrescu family and CEO of DSI, Inc. Born human, he was adopted as a child and then turned in his thirties (he’s been a vampire for around a century). He tends towards being introverted, and was very passive in his involvement with the company. But after meeting Aurielle when she discovered corruption, he realized he needed to be more proactive in his involvement. He’s still on the quiet side, but is much more aware of the activities of the company.


Aurielle Dimitrescu 

Minerva’s mother, is a sun elf from Grumlet that started out as an intern in DSI, Inc. She was very ambitious, working her way up, and accidentally came across some incriminating evidence of wrongdoing in the company. She tried to bring attention to it through the proper channels, but was ignored. Eventually she took matters into her own hands, sneaking into the Dimitrescu’s annual costume party to try and find Constantin’s father (who was still in charge at the time). Instead, she stumbled upon Constantin on a balcony who was trying to get away from the party. She ended up talking with him, and he believed her; setting up a meeting with his father.


Nicolae Dimitrescu

Minerva’s oldest brother, is a dhampir with a passion for acting. He’s moved away to New Ylone City to join a troupe; and is making quite a name for himself.


sergiu Dimitrescu 

Minerva’s second oldest brother, is a dhampir Third year in Witherbloom. He’s wanting to get into the family business and is looking for ways to expand his knowledge. He currently works at the Campus Magic Labs. He’s also been in a myriad of Strixhaven’s clubs. He has a Pest familiar named Derpunzel. She’s the cutest.

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