Sho Wip



2 months, 8 days ago


Sho is a unique individual, being a combination of two distinct races - the ancient elves and another undisclosed race. He stands as one of the few remaining survivors of his kind, a brutal elf tribe that succumbed to madness in their pursuit to understand human emotions through slaughter, ultimately leading to their demise at the hands of neighboring kingdoms. Despite being a part of the group that committed atrocities, Sho managed to retain his sanity by only being half of the elf race. This allowed him to escape the fate of his kin and live on, bearing the weight of his race's dark history and seeking redemption for their past transgressions. Immortality graces Sho, granting him a long life that he has dedicated to pacifism and making amends for the sins of his people. Through his actions and choices, he strives to atone for the violent legacy of his race, hoping to bring about a better future and prevent the mistakes of the past from being repeated.  Sho was born into a tribe that had indoctrinated its members to conform to their ways, moulding them into replicas of themselves. However, Sho stood out from an early age due to his remarkable display of emotions, which often landed him in trouble. Consequently, he learned to suppress his feelings, bottling them up deep within himself to avoid further reprimands. Throughout his upbringing, Sho's tribe fed him false information about humans, believing that they were safeguarding their own people. However, Sho's perspective shifted dramatically when he witnessed the horrors of war first-hand. He realized that the humans he encountered on the battlefield were merely individuals fighting to protect their homes and loved ones, just like his own tribe. This newfound understanding compelled Sho to intervene and attempt to halt the violence, resulting in the permanent scars inflicted upon him by the very claws of his own kind. Despite the hardships he has endured, Sho has grown into a kind-hearted individual. However, his unwavering kindness often makes him vulnerable to exploitation by others. He finds it incredibly difficult to refuse any task or favor asked of him, as he genuinely believes in helping others. This selflessness, while admirable, leaves him susceptible to being taken advantage of by those who recognize his inability to say no.

Sho's journey has been one of self-discovery and redemption, as he navigates the complexities of his dual heritage and strives to break free from the violent legacy of his elf tribe. His unique position as a bridge between two worlds allows him to see the humanity in all beings, despite the darkness that once consumed his own people. Sho's commitment to pacifism and atonement is a testament to his resilience and unwavering belief in the possibility of change and forgiveness. Through his actions, Sho seeks to pave the way for a future where understanding and compassion triumph over hatred and violence, embodying the hope for a better world that he carries within his immortal soul.