


3 months, 5 days ago


full name  vincent wurtz 
nationality  mlem 
gender trans man
pronouns  he/him 
orientation  bisexual 
age  21 
height  5'9 
occupation  mechanic

vincent is quick to anger and finds empathy very hard. he has mood swings frequently. he has a hard time in social situations, often letting c-455 carry conversations for him. in his natural environment, he often has a compulsion to organize everything he can as to appear as put together as possible.

vincent has long reddish hair with a light streak in the front, occurring naturally most likely from stress. he often wears it in a ponytail. he has a port-wine stain on his right cheek and neck. he wears a brown jacket and a green button up most times as well as cargo pants. he often carries goggles and a gas mask so he doesnt inhale dangerous materials or get them in his eyes.

vincent grew up in a fairly rich family, coming from a long line of mechanics. his mother was extremely unstable while his father was often at his workshop and unavailable completely. soon after moving out he started work as a mechanic. after being given c-455 to work on and fix, he found that he had grown extremely attatched to it and decided to keep it for himself under the guise of continued and complicated repairs. in the meantime, he has been rewriting its code to make it his ideal partner.

his voice claim is professor venomous from ok ko. he has bpd, mdd, and is autistic.