Aithne Claire



2 months, 27 days ago


Find your Flame (feat. Kellin Quinn & Tyler Smyth)

Aithne Claire is a Player Character for Dungeons and Dragons. She is a battlesmith artificer and a hybrid between earth and fire genasi.

She is a prodigy smithy and the youthful mastermind behind the equipment, armor, and equipment of Wraithe Claire. A mad blacksmith that dabbles in the fusion between Metallurgy and the Arcane. She has a robotic companion named Marcus who acts as her protective shield.

-=General Info=-
Name: Aithne Claire
Pronunciation: a-th-nay Cl-air
Nicknames: NA/TBA
Age: 18
Creation Date: December 6th 2023
Birthplace: (Varies from campaign to campaign)
Species: Earth Genasi
Gender: Female
Height: 4'0

-=Distinguishing Features=-
Aithne is a dwarf-sized humanoid genasi with a small frame clad in onyx half-plate armor. Said armor does not cover her midriff or right arm so in place she has grey wrappings covering her skin.

Aithne has charcoal grey skin with orange freckles between her eyes; orange sclera and white pupils. She also has orange lines reaching from her cheeks to her eyes. She also has dark hair with firey highlights and an orange hair tuft.

Aithne's behavior is very childish. She is snooty, loud, and very spunky in her demeanor. Loud and foul-mouthed and a bit out of pocket with how she expresses her options and feelings towards others, never afraid to say something to someone's face regardless of the repercussions. Highly intelligent, but her intelligence only goes so far when she lacks the experience to properly behave and socialize in respect of others. Making everyone scoff at her for being immature and impulsive for being a "Kid."

Despite that she is extremely passionate, only matched by her ambition. Always looking to push and challenge herself in the name of the forge. 

-=Abilities and Powers=-
Strength: Below Average

Dexterity: Below Average

Constitution: Average 

Intelligence: Above Average

Wisdom: Above Average

Charisma: Average

Steel Defender
Marcus the steel defender is her loyal companion, it does everything Aithne tells it too while automatically protecting it's master from as much danger as it can handle. Aithne's smll stature allows her to mount Marcus and move via his movement. 

Otherwise, Marcus stands idly by like a sentry, awaiting the orders of Aithne.

Aithne is a support character that buffs and heals her allies ontop of her mount Marcus, she is not meant to be the primary dealer of damage, but to support and aid those who go in the front lines. She can also provide moderate damage to lesser adds in the way of the damage dealers.






-=Other Details=-
- Aithne is the younger half-sister of Wraithe.