Watt Riot



1 month, 20 days ago

Basic Info





Origin / Archetype

Technology / Brute


Humanoid Robot. Gender: huge machine. He/him. Villain. Technology Origin / Brute Archetype; Electricity Based Powers & Willpower, Melee.

Color scheme is Red, Grey and Black. Has tail. Huge. Wears Alucard Red Hat and Aviators. Smokes a cigar. Somehow. Large gash across his face. Main outfit has a red short jacket. Belt with dual pistols (tho you'd be shocked to see him use em). Legs are more metallic monster w/ claws. absolutely massive both in height and build.

Affiliated with no single organization. Likes keeping his hands in many pies. Though it's on site with the R.I.P. Patrol. Has killed some superheroes in the past, completely not on purpose most of the time. However you're not gonna see or hear him cry about it. Though doesn't brag about it unless it's to prove a point. Extremely loose morals. Not a good person and definitely just a Bastard(TM). “Lair” is literally just small cargo boat that he turned into a house boat. Shockingly, not many have found it and when they do, he's just ????? I ain't doing shit what do you want from me???? Type of energy. Only one hero has found it, and they were shipped back to Paragon City in a very tiny cargo crate.

“Alone on a Friday night? God you're pathetic.” Energy with most interactions with Heroes generally. Antagonizes the fuck out of a superhero named Boresights. Specifically in a homoerotic way bc it especially pisses off said hero, literally does not give a shit about him outside of the interactions they have otherwises. Finds it extremely amusing that Boresights declared him his archrival when Watt only remembers the dude whenever he's being a pest. 

Ends up in a relationship with Double Barrel--the Praetorian version of Boresights--Which Riot finds extremely amusing. Absolutely uses this fact to piss off Boresights. 

Seems to commit crimes with an arachnos soldier named Renault, a lot.