Meriel's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

DitzySkunk Global Rules

Design TOS

Please do not re-sell for higher than what you bought them for unless there's additional (commissioned) art .

Do not re-sell if you traded for them. This includes if there's additional art.
If you traded for them, they are now trade only.

Do not take any credit for the design. You can take credit for re-designs, but always credit me as the original designer.

Retracting offers won't get you blocked, but you can now no longer buy or trade for any of my designs. You can appeal to this by dming me. If it's approved and you do it again, you'll be blocked.

If you trade or sell to any of the blocked or "banned" people, you will also be blocked/"banned".

Thank you for reading TOS <3