
2 months, 30 days ago


Name: Xiomara or Xio Diaz

Also Known As: Captain Diaz 

Age: 23 

Birthday: 6 Nov 2000

Nationality: Latin American 

Species: Human

Blood Type: Unknown 

Astrological Sign: Scorpio

Gender: Gender fluid 

Alignment: unknown 

Personality: flirty, confident, teasing, fun loving, adventurous 

Bio: family was killed by pirates. Made a pack to hunt them down. Hardly ever leaves the seas now in hunt of them. 

Allergies: non


- Color: Black, Red and bluish-grey 

- Food: 

- Season: Summer

Occupation: Capitan of the ship (still working on a name) 

Hobbies: Fishing, swimming and dancing 

Fears: what's underneath the sea and Who sails on the ocean

Height: 5'7

Weight: 154 lb

Skin Tone: browish

Eye Color: Brown 

Hair Description:

- Color: Black 

- Highlights: non

- Length: short 

- Type: Curly 

- Worn: push down by the hat 


- Scars: 

- Piercings: 

- Tattoos: 

- Birthmarks: White spot on the side of the face

- Scent: wooden salty ocean 

- Accessories: