
  • 06339
  • (Currently has no given name)
  • Any Pronouns
  • Peppiclone
  • Additional DNA: Stupid Rat, Bad Rat
  • Alive

A Peppiclone with droopy ears, a set of buck teeth, short claws and a medium length tail. They have partial albinism, making the hair on their left side white, and their left eye a light pink. This gives them a slight sensitivity to light in that eye, but no other symptoms to note.

06339 is an easy-going clone, content to sit in one spot for hours, but they do have their high-energy moments, running around and play fighting with anyone who is willing. They like to explore and raid bins, mainly to find new things for their collection, or find a tasty snack.

06339 is content to be alone, but they don't mind sitting with a friend. They enjoy showing 03302 cool things they've found, and will stare at them with them.