Offer's Comments

heya! does anyone here interest you by chance? thank you so much :3

Thank you for the offer but I'm afraid I didn't see anything that cought my eye!

Howdy! I was interested in offering for this character, but I was also curious as to what base was used? Since I didn't see it listed?

As for my offer I can do either 1 pixel icon, or 1 fullbody pixel/pagedoll


I made it myself, it's my base! I'm not really interested in art offers right now, sorry

No worries and thank you for letting me know! It's a lovely base < 3. 

Thank you! :D

I'll be offering it in a few days on my Ko-Fi for others to use if you're interested! I have a bunch of other bases there, too

I most certainly am! Would it be possible to be pinged when you upload it?

Sure! :D

1 Replies