CLOSED's Comments

hiya! i’m a lil confused abt the 3/4 thingy in the name (i’m not experienced in adopts really- apologies.) but i’d like to offer art for either of the top ones if that’s ok!! i have examples of my own art with all my characters if that helps, i just can’t draw humans very well -

augh i’m dumb my eyes missed the part that said the sun(?) guy was gone, i’m assuming that’s what 3/4 means whoops-

Hi! You’re totally all good, it happens. And yes that is what it means lol (happens to me all the time). I just have to say that I adore your art, it’s so cool!! :D Could you just let me know how much art you’re offering? It could be fulls (A full view of the character), a half body (from the waist up), or a headshot!! (Which is just the head of the character, basically like an icon)

oh thank you!! i’ll do half bodies full bodies or headshots, i’m fine with all three as long as the character i’m drawing isn’t super complex (mostly accessory wise, i can probably do complicated patterns- just lmk which and i’ll see if i can do it without suffering miserably lol-)

Okay!! Could you do two fulls and a headshot!!

Full characters:


Are these okay?

yea that sounds fine! just a blank background okay?

3 Replies