


6 years, 1 month ago



Name Lucette Caprice
Nickname Toyoshiko
Age 23 (16 physically)
Gender female
Race demon
Occupation none

Lucette, rather rude and straightforward girl, currently serves as a vessel for a weak demon, Toyoshiko. She let her inside her body when she was hurt and dying, not thinking about consequences that will come later. Although Lucette is in control most of the time, in danger or crisis, Toyoshiko takes the matters in her own hands - and it usually ends ugly. Because of that, for years Lucette sucessfully pushed people away, thinking that she will one day become a threat to them, she strongly believes it's better if she's on her own. She remains unaware that her demon slowly got attached to her on personal level and wouldn't harm anyone who is close to her. At the moment Lucette tries to find a place where they can finally feel safe, but since all these atempts failed so many times, she started to think it's not an achievable option.


  • classical music & jazz
  • playing piano
  • herbal tea
  • cakes & sweets


  • weapons
  • romantic comedies
  • boys & men
  • being short


Lucette, stuck in her 15 y.o. body, switches between a mindset of a teenager and an adult person. She seems to be slightly rude towards others, she's also not really fond of spending time with company. She openly despises the idea of opening up to people and speaking out her emotion, so she bottles up all of her feelings, probably making herself more harm than good. She's genuinely afraid of the idea of anyone getting close to her and she often acts more annoying or arrogant than she actually is, just so people would dislike her. And even if she warms up to someone, it's more likely to be another girl, since Lucette is terriffied of men and is incapable of trusting them.

Lucette, after her death in young age, enable a demon named Toyoshiko to share her body. She did it because she was scared of dying permanently and the demon was her only chance to keep on living, yet she regreted it shortly later, when she realised that Toyoshiko in control of her body is a real danger to everyone around her. At the beginning she could take control only when Lucette was in danger, but the more time they spend in one body, the more opportunities Toyoshiko gets and she can even posses her body completely when Lucette is asleep. Also, the more time Lucette is serving as a vessel for the demon, the more destroyed and crooked her body becomes, which makes it clear for her that although her life was made longer and she stopped aging, her time is not infinite.

Knowing all of that, Lucette has problems with finding joy in her existence. The only thing that helps her to deal with this issue is music -- her biggest passion from early childhood. She learnt how to play piano in pretty young age, and even though she couldn't do it proffessionally (both because of her dislike for traditional and slow music and many diseases she suffered from before meeting Toyoshiko), she still extremely enjoys it and finds peace while playing.