Himari 🌀's Comments

Ooh, how much did you have in mind for her? (or would you take art as an offer/mixed offer as well?) She's super cool !

I don't tend to put an exact price on my designs since I just like seeing what people are willing to offer BUT I WOULD BE TOTALLY open to looking at mixed offers?? Your art is so scrumptious (also the fact you draw monster hunter monsters makes it all the more tastier)

OH GOSH LMAO which one if you don't mind me asking?

I'm totally up for a mixed offer or art only even! Art only, I can offer a rendered fullbody and a rendered headshot (or whatever you'd be open to!), for mixed I could do a rendered headshot and $25? I'm still pretty new at straight up offers lmaooo
(and MonHun is literally one of my favorite things to draw, nevermind what that says about my carpel tunnel |D)

I was on Gyosei's page like not even 5 minutes before you popped in (I literally live for how you draw him in screenshots of JJK, it looks absolutely STUNNING), the mask idea looks absolutely amazing and I love how eerily well he would fit into the show 🥺, he looks like so much fun to draw too

I'm honestly 100% biased to your art so honestly I'd be completely down for the art only offer (devouring. gnawing on your art style)

😭 AH thank you so much !! When I saw his design I had a feeling I'd like to try fitting him into that world, I love this weird cat so much 🙏

And that sounds good! I'd be happy to do art, just lemme know who'd you like drawn and I can get started on the thumbnails

SORRY FOR THE DELAY I'm so torn on who I want drawn, but for right now I would like to get the headshot of my baby Yanagi: https://toyhou.se/7877572.yanagi#78720641 (either with their long hairstyle, or their shorter one > https://toyhou.se/7877572.yanagi#79343370), I'm currently trying to finish up another OC, but once I'm done I'll more than likely be getting the fullbody of them <3

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