
5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Alex

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual 

Species: Feline

Personality: Alex is a friendly, happy-go-lucky cat who enjoys two things: other people and flowers. He enjoys meeting new people and tending to his tiny flower garden on the ship, and is one of the most popular members of the ship "Luminary". People are often shocked to hear that he's dating Cosmo, as the two seem to be polar opposites: Alex is quite soft-spoken, while Cosmo acts domineering. Alex enjoys socializing with others, while Cosmo deliberately avoids interacting with anyone but fellow officers. Most of these about Cosmo are not actually true, and when the two are in private it is usually Cosmo who is the soft-spoken one and Alex the louder one. When Alex isn't around Cosmo, he can usually be found tending his tiny garden. While Alex is a generally soft and forgiving person, he is NOT forgiving of anyone who messes with one of two things: his flowers, and his boyfriend. Members of the "Luminary" claim that if anyone dares mess with either of those two things, they could kiss their Luminary career goodbye and probably get to the nearest escape pod ASAP, for Alex is known to become... quite violent when enraged, and not even Cosmo can stop him. Which is saying something, seeing as Cosmo is one of the strongest members of the "Luminary".

Backstory: Before meeting Cosmo, Alex lived on a tiny, underdeveloped planet (by IGSU standards anyway) in a small rural community surrounded by nature. His planet is well-known for its beautiful plant life, particularly it's flowers. Alex grew up with two botanists for parents, and naturally, he inherited their love for all things plant-like. It is said that Alex was so good at taking care of plants, that he managed to bring back several endangered plant species from the brink of extinction with his efforts alone! Alex met Cosmo during one of one of the Luminary's regular stops on his planet, as it acted as a resupplying station for the IGSU. Cosmo had initially stepped out of the ship for a quick breather but got hopelessly lost in the town. It was Alex that found him wandering through deserted alleyways by himself, looking hopelessly lost. The two hit it off, and by an unlikely series of events, Alex somehow found himself appointed as Luminary's "Chief Botanist", in charge of cataloging the many species of plants they discovered and came across. Despite getting homesick at times, he quite enjoys living on the "Luminary" with his boyfriend.

Other: He's a soft gay plant boi who's very gay for Cosmo

(EXTRA NOTE: Cosmo used to be a DTA character I was going for, but I only won Alex but not Cosmo. So I decided to basically take one of my old adopts (previously known as "Rocky Night" on art fight) and basically pass the name onto him because I liked the backstory lmao))