Professor Yvonne Yeh



2 months, 29 days ago


Birthday: 1st April 1996

Gender: Anvisgender (born female)

Pronoun: Any

Class: Mage/History freak

Height: 4'4(on her feet) 6'0(standing on her tail)

Body type: Slightly chubby

Like: Positivity, meditate, explore ruins, dessert, humility, oversized outfit.

Dislike: Big ego people, competition, paperwork(she'ill still do it for her students).

Teaching attitude:

- Yvonne enjoy seeing positive developpement and improvement agmonst her students. She's the teacher that grind the less her students into competition beside against their own current self. Self-improvement lead further and longer than competition to her eyes and reward those that trully deserve it.

- Yvonne like giving the wrong first impression to her students. Like being a little intimidating by wearing her giant coat and stand in her tail to look more serious and less friendly. It's the appearance she take during teachers presentation to other students.

- Once the first impression has been made she take off the coat laugh and reveal even under this huge coat she had a bright grin hidden under it the whole time. Then she show she is more friendly and less intimudating than some teachers may be.

- Yvonne attitude toward students that act wrongly reveal a whole different side of her. Then she become merciless to teach them a "lesson" or more like show them they have a long way to go has a student before take things as granted.

Unprofessional attitude (outside of work):

Yvonne doesn't drink, but damn she love dessert that chubby appearance does give the hint. Yvonne outside of work is even more exciteable and hyper over things she enjoy.


Positive - Meticulous - Passionated - Patient - glutton - Michevious


Yvonne was born genius, but with a nature that lacked interest at being the best in others' point of view. She had more interest helping others improve and improve herself to be able to reach further new knowledge without comparing herself to others. Ever since she could read history passionated her. 

Yvonne is recorded has the youngest graduated of Geswil in magic domain. Not that she tell or look like it much. To her seen actions tell more than word anyway. 

Yvonne been one that discovered some older ruins in the wild area of the Ticking Ground Kingdom and came back unscarred that became an important discovery in both magic, science and history domain down here. Her talent at figuring out traps and secrets lead her this far.

She also cleared up multiple crimes that seemed unsolvable at first on her own.

Yvonne due to such important status have been courted more than once, but her sense always figured out the intentions were more strategical than sincere and so is still single to this day. She does not feel any urge to have a partner.

Yvonne took a turn after have noticed it became harder to tell apart true friend to false, deciding she'ill be now focusing on giving what she collected all these years : knowledge. She does not feel any pain of not having any partner, but does wish she could have a kid or two and so to her becoming a teacher is becoming an unofficial parent figure. No it doesn't matter even if the student got almost the same age than her. Y'all are screwed.


  • Telekinesis
  • Sneaky
  • Multiple languages

Other knowledge:

  • History
  • Meditation
  • Investigation
  • Positive philosophy