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AHh hi again...!! Of course, I'd love to draw him for you!! He's so cool!
As usual, my paypal is [email protected] :D !! Thank you so much again ;o;

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hello again!! I finished your sticker! As usual, just let me know if there's anything I can have changed / or if you catch any errors I made that need fixing! thank you SO much for commissioning, it really means a lot to me ;_;


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hey there! i was hoping to get a lineless icon of this guy if possible!

of course, I would love to! feel free to send to [email protected] whenever you're ready and I'll start as soon as I'm able!

sent it along, thank you!!

Hi! I finished your commission, let me know if there are any adjustments I can make for you! Thank you so much for commissioning and thank you so much especially for the tip! <3 You should be able to click for a better resolution, but I'm attaching it in a different way than usual so please let me know if it causes any trouble :o


I can’t view it unfortunately ): it tells me the workspace is private!

Ah no, I figured there might be trouble! This should work at least, again let me know if any issues exist that I can fix as well!


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OH welcome back, and of course!! I would love to!

for the first, I can do them both for $50! is their dynamic romantic/platonic/enemies specifically? :o Maybe you could give a few more clues on their dynamic for accuracy :oc
and also! so there's a few examples on my chibis, would you prefer something with more binary lines like the second or something like the first example with some shading and thinner linework. I've also done ones like this which much softer linework that just aren't displayed on my list. But regardless any style will be the same price, so feel free to just lmk your preference!

and OFC!! that kitty is so cute!! i'd love to draw them all for you! thank you so much again too it means a lot to me ;_; <3

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OH of course!! that gives me a lot to work off! If I'm not wrong, it'll be $72 total with the sticker? paypal is [email protected] just like last time, thank you SO much for commissioning too!! ^o^ it means so much to me

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HI!! I finished your sticker first, let me know if there's anything I can have changed for you as well, and thank you so much again for commissioning!! I should be coming up with a sketch for the chibis within the next couple of days, and will be sure to pm you for confirmation when I do!! :D (was unsure if the red cheek streaks were a blush or a part of the design, let me know if i should add them!) <3


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HI!! yes i'd totally be down for that, i love his design! Could you send the money to [email protected]? <3

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I got it! thank you so much, I'll start your sticker as soon as possible !!

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hi! I finished your commission! let me know if there are any errors / if there's anything that I can have fixed for you, but otherwise thank you so much for the support! Always love to draw a good sword every once in a while :D
(clicking the sticker should give a place to save)


4 Replies
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hi!! such a gorgeous design, I'd love to draw them for you! <3 When you're ready, can you send to [email protected] ? :o

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hi! I finished your icon, such a pretty character I had a lot of fun drawing him!! (clicking will send you to a place to save)
let me know if I can have anything changed in the image for you too, thank you so much again for commissioning!! 


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I'M so glad!! thank you so much for your nice words and TYSM for commissioning!! <3

do u take da points

no, sorry!

HAIII HELLO I would luv a lineless icon of her,,, lmao maybe she could look pensive or smthn and it'd be cool if you could see her jacket collar a lil as well like. ik its drawn weird in her ref but she doesn't have that much neck fluff if that makes sense :thumbs up emoji:

HI!! yes i can absolutely do that for you!! feel free to send to [email protected] whenever you're ready :] <3

Yipeeeee and also wahoo! should be sent :3

HI AGAIN!! I finished your icon :3 feel free to let me know if there's anything I can change. if not, thank you so much for commissioning!! (clicking should give you a better resolution for downloading, as well!)


OMFG AAAAAAH <3 YES THIS IS SO PERFECT!! I LOVE IT SO SO SO MUCH your art style is peak, the little sigh emote.... OBSESSED!!! THANKYOU!

ALSO UM. sorry for asking after the fact but IF THESE ARE STILL OPEN I would love 2 buy another one, of him just to go with the one of her,,,, BUT if you're closing em or you'd rather draw a different variety of characters that's totally chill :thumbs up: just lmk!

thanks again!!

OFC!! I'm still open / will likely be for a long time so I'd definitely be open to taking another! feel free to let me know any details you'd like for expression as well and since I already listed my payment you're free to pay with that address again! >3 thank you too!!

5 Replies

could i potentially discuss a lineless icon for: ? they're very excitable and happy!

Hi! I could draw them for you, sure! my paypal is [email protected] if you're ready to pay now!

great! and could i get updates? my discord is the same as my username here: mikmawhawk

hiii can i get a lineless icon of this animal pleak... theyre very silly and funny. hair does not have to cover their eye :3

of course! feel free to send the $15 to [email protected] whenever you're ready!!


hello!! your icon is finished a bit sooner than expected :D let me know if there's anything I can fix, otherwise TYSM for commissioning! (clicking will give you a place to save it!)
