[ HSR ] Mira (❤️ Miratio)



5 months, 18 days ago


  • Mira/Dr. Ratio
  • they were originally gonna have a much more antagonistic relationship, but then I found a janitor bot where Ratio was really soft in private with his partner and I love it, so that's gonna be them
  • they initially met when Mira did a guest lecture at the University of Veritas Prime - Ratio found her lecture interesting so they went out for drinks (where they proceeded to argue about science things bc they're both stubborn and egocentric
  • they ended up having a drunken one-night stand which they were both mortified about in the morning and then swore never to talk about
  • during said one-night stand, Mira let it slip that her full name is Mireille and that she hates it
  • they end up running into each other several times, i assume smart people go to conferences and shit lol, and they have a bad habit of ending up in bed together every time
  • they butt heads a lot for a long time, kind of having a "colleagues with benefits" vibe
  • for a while Ratio calls her "Mireille" when he's trying to annoy her, but eventually it becomes just a thing he does and she lets him
  • eventually they realize that they actually like each other and start meeting on purpose. they act pretty indifferent towards each other in public, but in private they're generally soft and playful
  • Mira never refers to Ratio by his first name, even when they're actually in a relationship
  • their dynamic is a lot of "they get in an argument about something stupid, and then it's a contest of who can hold out longer before admitting they need the other"
  • they probably physically spar sometimes?? I mean the man is BUILT he must work out
nsfw content below ♥
  • they like to do student/teacher play, where Mira is the bratty, disobedient student (brat taming ftw)
  • unless they're doing something that requires him to be dominant, Ratio usually prefere to have Mira on top
  • Ratio calls Mira "darling" a lot during sex
  • lots of fellatio lol, it's a thing Mira really enjoys giving
  • they're into semi-public sex, but not so much into the idea of actually being caught