$20's Comments

Figure there's no harm in offering!


I can offer someone from here:
(Not a lot so I completely understand if not!)


I usually have a two month deadline on my art. If you're okay with this or want a shorter deadline, please say so up front.

Feel absolutely free to mix and match the options if wanted! Like two headshots and a halfbody and such!

Symmetrical Icons
Max of 4

Symmetrical Refs
Max of 2

[No current example]

Max of 3

Max of 2
Max of 1

Max of 1


Hi- do you happen to have a discord? It would be easier to discuss things there! I'm interested in art however if it's not an issue could I see more examples? I would really like a fullbody if possible! Not sure what you price your art at so I don't want to ask for too much. As far as the deadline I only ask you update me if you need time, I understand life is unpredictable lol so on the time I don't mind when I recieve it. I will say though I'd be placing the oc in holds for you till I recieve said art though.

Sure! I have my friend requests currently turned off due to spam, so if you could dm me your user.

And sure! I currently am setting up my website for art examples though, so it'd probably be best if I message you with more examples. Did you have a specific type you wanted examples of? Humanoid, Anthro, or Feral?

And that's exactly what I expected! I don't like taking a character until I've finished payment just in case something comes up that I am unable to finish.

My discord is highimneo I have a black cat as my pfp. We can discuss more there! Also I'm interested in them all? You style would suit a few of the stinkers I have and I have a few humanoids and many anthro ocs