Olive & Forrest



2 months, 7 days ago



Olive loves woodcarving and she lives in a treehouse with her bird (magpie) Forrest.

If I say “creatures” I kinda mean “people”.

She goes atleast three to two times a week to gather some wood for making sculptures (Which she drags with her on the wooden sled thing). She has bird like claws to help her climb and hold onto branches and stuff which makes it easier for her to access her treehouse, she does have some stairs that she can throw down and then pull up incase gðsome guests arive that can’t climb trees or fly. There’s also a landing pad for fliers! But it’s hidden from leaves incase some creatures fly above it that aren’t very friendly, so only close friends and family know about it.

She had to run away at a very young age after a gang of evil creatures attacked her family’s house due to her family having some very rare materials there that they kept for the kingdom. She also found Forrest as a chick hurt on the ground, and saw that he had fallen from a nest, she nursed him back to health with her healing powers and they have been best friends ever since.

She had been living in a bush for a while and she started her woodcarving hobby. But then she built her treehouse after almost getting killed by wolves while trying to find food. Her treehouse is very cozy and hidden from most angles. (Will make a ref for it later)

Later she discovered (nameless) unconcious in the woods. It seemed as if he had been attacked by something, so she dragged him up into her treehouse and nursed him to health even though Forrest complained a bit. (Nameless) was very scared and confused st first but they became very close friends later on, but on day two she discovered that (nameless) worked at the castle and knew alot of the secrets so she asked about her parents and discovered that the king didn’t really care about how her parents died but did send guards after the creatures that took the materials. The creatures were killed and her parents were replaced just like that.That made her really hate the king and the kingdom and everyone who worked there, but she knew later that she could trust (nameless). But she did want to get some revenge on the king…but that would be some other time.