sb for fastest food! and/or i could do a trade for any1 here

I can also do couple art if interested in art instead!

ill take the SB! my paypal is [email protected] !

Do you possibly take Kofi or other website like Kofi payments? If not I can do PayPal!

not currently, no! i can look in2 it in the future though!

That’s alright!! I’ll send over the money right away

Sent!! Tysm ^^

Sb for taxi goat :oo

I'd love to offer anyone in my ufo/waiting room folders for apple fella! They're so cute :3 

whatcha accept money on.. like paypal, cahsapp, etc

paypal mainly! i shouldve specified, mb!

Hey, I’m interested in 2.

Are you willing to take art + cash?

i'd consider it, sure!

HII offering for 3 and 4!! not sure if there's someone here you'd be interested in but yr free to take a look!! could also offer art maybe!! 

I didn’t see anyone, but I do like ur art style!

oh awesome!! would you have a specific type/amount in mind for either? (if you're still interested ofc!) ^_^

i'd probably leave it up to u! rn im looking for art of two characters together, bt idm if its as headshots/ busts/ fullbodies etc!

oh sure! i wouldn't mind doing two chars together (fbs)!! ^o^

do u think ud be down to draw and 2gether? no real specific requests…they get along bt they get on each others nerves just as much

for 4!

6 Replies