


8 years, 4 months ago

Basic Info


Choko, Starry, Trouble


Never in one place too long


Purple leaf on top of her head, between her ears, stars in eyes and hair on sides bunched up at the end


Chokola, doesn't know from where she hails from but is trying to find it. Her only key to finding it is the stone pendent her caretaker when she was young gave her before sending her off world, on a cargo ship into space. Since then she has been traveling from place to place, not ever staying too long to get comfortable and unknowingly causing mischief where she goes due to her curious nature. If she trusts you she can be very loyal and she tend to go out of her way if time permits to help others in need. 

Her days are spent exploring, taking odd jobs for money, food or travel expenses, if she isn't getting herself into trouble. She essentially likes a peaceful life otherwise, enjoying scenery, fiddling with her powers, trying to help others, playing games (not video) and reading books about different areas.

Her nights are spent dreaming of another place, quite familiar to her though unrecognizable. In these dreams she alternates between the bodies of two: a goddess and a witch. Eventually she gets herself in a predicament, which brings her to telepathically calling for help and getting saved by a two person crew of space pirate / bounty hunters who came looking for something else.